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GeilesTeenEglive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “GeilesTeenEglive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She has clearly been through a hell of a lot in such a short space of time and these separate events are all big enough traumatic events on their own, let alone she has had a few altogether in very quick succession. She was absolutely right to put herself, her mental health and her overall wellbeing first before things started to have a significant affect and impact on her. In those situations you have to put yourself first and concentrate on getting yourself better and often that means cutting things out of your life momentarily so you can focus on yourself properly, in this case it was your relationship.

    She didnt just do this for just her benefit but she also done it to protect you, the relationship and your friendship because when people start going downhill mentally they literally change as a person and change from the person you know and can often not be in a position of clear thought with their decision making. If that happened that would have had a impact on your friendship, relationship and you both as a whole. that its a very likely possibility that the relationship and friendship would be destroyed beyond repair. Doing it this way protects all that, protects her and protects you.

    Your reaction is also noteworthy and you should be applauded for it and understanding the reasons why and not pressuring her to stay in the relationship and not making this about yourself. Yes you may at somepoint smothered her in trying to help but thats a mistake we all make in wanting to help and let someone know that you are there for them no matter what support or anything else they may need or ask of you.

    What you are doing at the moment by pulling right back and giving her space is exactly the correct thing to do and what she needs at the minute, I get you feel a sense of helplessness but thats only natural wanting to help someone who means a lot to you, she will appreciate all of this further down the line when she is in a better place.

    Other than what you are doing (Standing back giving her space) thats all that she needs from you at the moment. She knows where you are, she knows how to get in touch with you and she will let you know if she needs anything at all from you and you need to let her make that choice and decision and wait for her to get in touch. There is absolutely nothing wrong in dropping her a message once a fortnight simply saying “Hey how are you, I hope you are doing well and I'm here for you if you need anything” That's seriously it dont say anything more than that and again just the ONE message a fortnight. Just remember when you send the 2nd message 2 weeks after the first one, change the order of the words in the text message so the 2nd time “I hope you are well and good, i'm here if you need anything” otherwise sending the exact same message every 2 weeks looks like you are just sending the same message for sending sake.

  2. Tbh, I would do exactly what your wife us doing and I would probably be a lot less nice about it.

    Kids are a dealbreaker for me. I want my children to be the sole beneficiary of their dads time, money, and affection and I absolutely am not raising someone else's kids. I don't think there's a lot you can do if your wife has the same feelings I do. She's probably lost a lot of respect for you considering you were so fast and loose with your love life that you could have a kid you don't know about.

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