Gabionly online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: February 20, 2023

8 thoughts on “Gabionly online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Tbh it sounds like your girlfriend might be having a mental health crisis. You’ve been fine for the last 6 years, and how she’s becoming cautious because her friend was in an abusive relationship? It sounds like she’s over empathizing with Susan to the point of being paranoid or scared about her own relationship.

    Too much empathy is a mental disorder in its own right, or it can be a symptom of something else. Really common things like anxiety, depression, adhd, etc can cause so much empathy that you conflate others emotions with your own. If she has even a minor history of mental health problems, I would gently urge her to seek psychiatric help.

    Regardless of mental health issues, this is a huge breach of trust in your relationship. I think it’s a completely valid reason to leave your relationship if you decide to do so.

  2. My advice is, try to get over it. Really, REALLY try. Because: 1- the novelty will wear off once he can't antagonize you about it 2- you get to focus on all the other amazing sexy things about your partner, like his personality and the entire rest of his body 3- after a month or two you probably will get used to it, which is ultimately good for accepting our partners in their more 'flawed' forms and loving them anyway And most importantly: 4) You have the PERFECT opportunity for a season pass on free mustache rides, which will probably help the whole dryness factor.

  3. He can still be on the same page as you but be sad about it. These situations aren't black and white.

    For example, even if he wanted you to keep it he might feel more strongly about supporting you in what you want so he supports you.

    Him being sad is just an emotional reaction to the circumstances it's not a bearing on his stance or if both of you want to get an abortion or not.

    Just like you could be set on getting an abortion but also at the same time feel sad about it.

  4. The minute she got physical with you was the minute you needed to leave. Take the kids with you. They don't need to be around that kind of behavior. If you do decide to stay, when she starts getting violent, start a phone recording and keep calm. It will act as evidence in court for custody. Get proof of her alcohol consumption. Keep track of how often she is going out. If she is being like this, there's a good chance she is already cheating on you with the ex and is purposely trying to destroy your marriage, getting you to leave, so she can be with the other guy. It seriously does sound like that is the case.

  5. I am sorry for your losses, its a terrible pain to go through. Sending you strength, love and healing.

    Guess it really is variable because i didn't seek help during what I thought was a miscarriage as it was very early in the pregnancy and they had me attend a scan when the pregnancy would have been between 8-9 weeks. No complications or any scans prior to that.

  6. You openly admit to using your husband for money and producing two kids from a long term affair with your boyfriend and you are surprised that your children are disgusted that their parents are shameless scam artists?

    There's no going back, maybe try family therapy. And teach your kids not to use people.

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