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Frithalive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “Frithalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/wheresmysherpa,

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  2. Beeing accused of cheating is what a relationship is?

    Okay, we have different definitions of relationships.

    Good thing i will never date a man again and woman are way more rational when I comes to things like that, not like irrational man.

  3. Take as much time off work as you van get. Then talk to a doctor and get a script for varenicline.

    Also a lot of smokers have undiagnosed anxiety or adult ADD which they're trying to Self-Medicate for.

    Don't get your ego too involved in being “productive” at work or people thinking badly of you because you're feeling strung out for a few weeks. When you make a dime, your boss makes a dollar therefore family comes first. Let the boss kill himself over his work ethic, he's worth it.

    I'm not saying that nicotine doesn't help with anxiety, but there's much better treatment options out there that last longer than an hour or so, don't give you a stroke at age 45, and don't make you smell like toasted, lightly fermented ass.

    Please talk to a doctor about getting mental health treatment.

    Do it for your new child. If you're not willing to switch to

  4. So a 29 year old man got into a relationship with a 20 year old woman, and now 11 years later that woman has discovered she wants something different now. (Also, 9 years is a big age gap when one partner is so young.)

    That's pretty normal. We change and grow a whole lot in our 20s, and what you want as a 31 yo is almost certainly not the same as what you wanted when you were 20.

    It sounds like you and your Bf now want very different kinds of relationships, and that's okay. Not everyone wants the “typical” romantic relationship – I also want the independence that you describe and I'm lucky to have found partners who feel the same way.

    Sounds to me like it is time for you two to go your separate ways. You don't meet each other's needs any more, and you both deserve to have someone (or more than one someone, if you are polyamorous) in your life that does.

  5. He wanted to hurt her. Let's not make him out to be a Saint. That's a move designed to hurt.

    Then again, I always doubt these one sided posts, where the person who was hurt is this paragon of relationships. Everyone has flaws, this guy only talks about his good side.

  6. Even though I think this whole thing is fake I will bait into it and ask.

    How long were you 2 together?

    What were the underlying issues with your marriage? Don’t say you didn’t clean and that cause the rift.

    Where did you 2 live at before separating?

  7. You acknowledge it yourself. It was not a good foundation for a relationship. I understand that you have come to frame this interaction as negative, but also acknowledge that you being there made you a pretty awful person in general as well.

    And if she acknowledged it was just to make you jealous, to prompt you to commit given you were being just as wishy washy as her, then it all makes sense. You are both cheaters, is it really that shocking she will rely on a toxic tactic like that? And on top of that she was clearly going through what was a protracted emotional meltdown after years of living a double life and her confusion over your place in her future.

    Like yes, what she did was deeply toxic and clearly traumatised you. Maybe even if you can rationalise it you'll never make your peace with it. But I don't think it was really about emasculating you. It was her forcing that choice on you, because if you hadn't gone she'd have cheated and that would be it. A self sabotage as it were, forcing the issue. Still, what she did hurt you and the thing about being hurt is that really the intent behind what hurt you doesn't necessarily make it easier to forget the pain.

  8. Right now he's NOT “trying”.

    He's noticed you're having an adverse reaction to his sexual coercion and manipulation and grooming, and at the brink of breaking free. So he's trying to manipulate you into staying, by

    a) trying to blame you for what happened and manipulate you into questioning your own reactions and boundaries (claiming you “need to get over it” or that you could have pulled out, which is bullshit because you repeatedly begged him not to do it and he “compromised” with “you still have to, but with 8 guys instead of 1″(???) so he didn't respect your desire to not do it at all, it wasn't real consent) and also

    b) dangling the carrot of “I'll change, now I'll really try babe honest I love you” in order to get you to stay.

    It's a trap. He's trying to manipulate you into staying, but the moment he thinks he can do it without you bolting, he'll go right back to pressuring you to fuck strangers he's “chosen” against your will, and shaming you for not wanting to do it. Which sounds very much like pimping.

    He's told you many many times he doesn't give a shit that you don't like it to the point it disgusts and traumatizes you, you have to fuck other men on video or else the “relationship” is over. He'll keep bringing it up and pressing and shaming you till you give in, then pretend you consented out of your free will, and he'll keep increasing the demands and the amount of men. You will never ever have a healthy, truly loving, monogamous relationship with him. He's probably planning to make money from the guys he selects for you to fuck.

    He's dangerous and you need to leave. You've been manipulated and tricked. He doesn't love you, his actions prove it, he views you as merchandise. He's only saying he loves you now because he perceives you're about to leave.

  9. Touching someone for hug doesn’t justify violence. And then further violence and then emotional abuse.

    Go away now please.

  10. Honestly, I think you are a fool, neither you or any children you have will ever be a priority to him. How can you even consider bringing children into the world with someone who will always treat them as though they aren't a priority in his life. Your children will grow up wondering why Daddy doesn't love me the same as his siblings, that's a cruel thing to do.

  11. I agree they shouldn’t be getting married. There’s also nothing inherently negative about wanting the same, I’d agree it’s fair. But wording it in a negative way absolutely invites more negativity.

    But again, if this is how they handle things together they should be looking for other people that share their ideals and not getting married.

  12. I need you to know that your simple suggestion set off a light bulb in my brain. For years I’ve been working on helping her contain her own space—she has her own room that’s an office, and I have my desk essentially in a corner in our dining room. But everything in our home is still generally cramped and stuffy. I can honestly say the idea of getting my own space that’s just for me has literally never crossed my mind. We’re planning to move in the next year, so I would like to search for a place with an extra room that I can have as my own comfortable space. It doesn’t fix everything, but I think having something that’s mine to retreat to would help a lot.

    Thank you so much!

  13. So you aren't sure about her because she has a child, that's fine but maybe let her know that so she can make an informed decision about the relationship. Seems like you are wasting both of yalls time, her daughter isn't going anywhere.

  14. We have to be the person we would want others to be for us if the world's going to get any better.

  15. But you have no idea of the issues surrounding the breakup. It’s better to ask questions now/

  16. Most people don’t think a girl having a threesome with 2 guys is disgusting, I do find his sexual selfishness and fetishization of bisexual women disgusting.

  17. Are you serious? You can’t improve this situation. You made it worse by marrying Max. You didn’t give a shit about your son. If you had a sliver of remorse, you would have left Max and tried to repair your relationship with him. But you didn’t. Because you chose Max once again. What are you going to do? Go back in time and fix things? You ignored your son to smash a teenager. I think your son just wants closure at this point. Don’t be surprised if he drops you the way you dropped him. I’d say you and Max deserve each other, but one day he’s going to leave you for someone his own age. Karma is a bitch.

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