Frewfun the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Frewfun, 24 y.o.


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Frewfun live! sex chat

Date: November 29, 2022

44 thoughts on “Frewfun the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Lmao do you want her to see the gift before or after she gets pounded by the guys that you said she’s actively seeking..? Exactly, she doesn’t deserve jt from you, and it doesn’t seem like she’s going out of her way to give you great gifts with sentimental value right now.

  2. I don’t know why it’s so hard to do what I know in my heart I should. She is mentally I’ll and I feel responsible for her

  3. Yes…those are two good things to remember..

    1.) Time is actually your friend. Bullshit artists cannot not keep the

    fascade going forever, and the more “goal-oriented” typically drop out

    prettry quick.

    2.) Reading “character” has a LOT to do with reading meta-communication.

    This means you'll want to study up on “non-verbal” communication, such

    as body language, expression, comportment, eye movement etc etc.

    (see: FBI observation techniques). The phonies and Bullshit artists are

    a lot more revealing than they know. Just sayin…..

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  5. Oh, “happy birthday” is a stretch, but I wish you all the best and to put this crappy situation long behind you as smooth as possible! Be safe!

  6. Why? Paying off your debt would show that you are on the right track to be financially responsible- which is something I would want from my partner. Shoving the debt into a prenup to keep it separate doesn’t really relay to him that you want to be financial responsible.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. Fuck her for what she put your daughter through. No child deserves that.

    You'll find someone new when you are ready. Don't let the people on here tell you you can't date because you are still grieving. You can, it's just gonna be hard. You just have to find someone who can understand what you have been through and the fact that you will always love and miss your late wife.

    Again, I'm so sorry for what you have been through. I hope it gets easier for you.

    I lost the love of my life in April. I'm also a single parent (he was not the father of my kids.) If you need someone to talk to, I'm just an internet stranger, but I'm here.

  8. If she's interested in BDSM, a great place to start is blind folds. No tie downs at first, so the less of a commitment to it. Then move forward as she gets more comfortable.

  9. Sounds like she made you pay the price for not letting her run free. To me a bad sign, tread carefully.

    I don’t think you should have absolute control over your SO by any means, but certain things need to be established as boundaries. If she makes you suffer consequences for establishing boundaries then she is bad news. Support your lovers passions, that’s true always. She has not given you that courtesy out of spite.

  10. Gynosexual is a thing too. It's where you are attracted to feminine characteristics. Which is more or less where I am.

    Regardless, welcome to reality, sexuality isn't black and white, and it sounds like you just learned that the fun way. You decide what you call yourself, you don't have to call yourself anything either. Just accept you like what you like.

  11. My last relationship ended like this. He wouldn't leave me alone, kept messaging, attempted to show up where I lived, told me he'd kill himself, and left flowers by my door. It went on for weeks. He couldn't see how scary and threatening his behaviour was, and I didn't want to block him for fear that he would just show up at my house.

    If you don't want to be in this relationship anymore then it's over. He doesn't need thinking time. He doesn't need to make a decision. It's just over. Make sure you're safe: he sounds like an awful person.

  12. You account for the electricity your work computer uses…..? WHAT?

    Do you also have a water meter to measure how much you each use to shower and split the bill accordingly?

  13. First off, get a taser or mace. Also, I don’t think he’s your best friend anymore. Sounds like a really mean drunk that I would not to be anywhere near.

  14. Because (1) the grandchild is a “do over” and (2) children tend to have somewhat unconditional love….. so no matter how much of an ass grandpa is, the grandchild will love him (because she's too young to know better).

  15. I was in a very similar situation. Boyfriend completely disinterested in sex and refused to tell me why. I was with this idiot for like 4 years because I just kept telling myself I could figure out what the problem was and fix it. It destroyed my self esteem, I was miserable all of the time. Turns out he was sexting some other girl begging her to have sex with him, when I was literally right there.

    My advice? Tell him he has to be honest with you or you’re breaking up. There’s obviously SOMETHING going on that he’s not telling you.

  16. We already got married a few months ago, just haven't had our honeymoon yet. I'll be bringing this up again to him, but I really don't want to seem like a dictator and make him feel like he can't do anything.

  17. My only advice is to password protect your phone; if your wife can find out you were soliciting sex workers, identity thieves can find out your ceedit card numbers if they grab your phone.

    Almost all of these phone-related problems would be solved by people keeping their phones private, using the tools available and intended to do so.

  18. Grey rock! Stop giving your mom so much information about your life. YOUR life. Not hers.

    The engagement is between you and your affianced. Not her. It does not involve her one little bit.

    The eventual wedding is ALSO not about her. Your children, should you have them, are also not about her.

    You need to flat out tell her that her involvement is minimal at best. You also need to tell her that failure to back off will result in a very decreased presence in your life. Good luck!!!

  19. i thought this too. really proud of everyone in the story EXCEPT the husband. i hope he seeks therapy and finds a way to become better to OP (whether its through coparenting or otherwise).

  20. I called him a coward and told him that he should stay with his parents until I am ready to talk to him.

    Fuck yes!

  21. He did not ghost you.

    He was texting you. He just did not text or call you as much as you wanted him to.

    If he was drinking and end enjoying himself with his friends, why can't you let him have fun? Why do you need to monitor and control him 24/7?

    If you are letting your mind spiral into what ifs and paranoid thoughts about what could have happened on the trip to the point of you considering dumping him, then you obviously have bigger issues.

  22. Im definitely not the same person I was ten years ago. But I still have people saying absolutely egregious shit like I attempted murder? Wtf that Is NOT okay!

  23. Find a better girlfriend. Don’t waste your timeShe’s not girlfriend material. If a girl has her ex orbiting around her just move on.

  24. No? Your memories don't magically get erased the moment you decide to keep a memento – of course it's better to have both the memories and a keepsake memento, and preferably photos and videos too.

    Are you very young? When people are still in their teens and everything in life is still relatively recent, you think you don't need mementos because your memory is enough. But then you age, and things start to have happened more than a decade ago, and you keep accumulating experiences, and find you start forgetting events and people, their voices, names, etc. Mementos start to matter because they really do unlock memories in a way.

  25. Do not buy a home with someone you are not committed to. Regardless if you're married, though, if shit goes sideways someone is getting screwed. My husband and I got married on our fifth anniversary, it can take time to get to that point but you need to have this conversation.

  26. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just walk away and let the other person be. You need to focus on other things. A relationship should be at the bottom of the priority list for you. Life kicked you in the ass, focus on getting that together first because honestly…you have nothing to offer her.

    You said she’s the nicest person you know and so on, deserves normalcy and a drama free relationship. Let her have those things. You’ll do that to even if it hurts because that’s what people do when it’s the love is genuine. You’ll be fine, you most definitely need a lot of therapy for your obsessive behavior but you’ll be fine.

  27. yea, it’s really tough to feel like i can never take space for myself. i don’t have any friends at this point because every time i try to make friends he acts like i’m cheating on him or am going to 🙁

  28. I get your point, but “forcing” him to block her may lead to him just talking on discord and lying about it, at least now he tells me he talks to her and stuff.

    But I fear he'll just lie abt it

  29. I agree with you! OP being confused about the level of fucked-up-ness of this whole thing it's not his fault if he's always been subjected to that kind of behavior. Nothing that he can't fix, and it sounds like he wants to. Nothing that makes him less worthy of love

  30. You do. You’ve got plenty of comments here saying it’s weird af – because it’s weird af.

    Side advice: sounds like you still on-line at home with the fam? And you’re talking about kids with your gf in the near future. You may have thought about this but do move out with your girlfriend and live together for some time before you commit to such a responsibility.

    This has got me wondering if there are other non-standard behaviors around the house and getting some ‘fresh air’ away might help.

  31. Ask to meet up with his girlfriend so you can get to know her also. The answer will be interesting, then have a word with her if you do get a chance to talk to her.

  32. If this is real you’re both assholes. I got as far as “cone has been on a year”. Your girlfriend is ridiculous. Let’s get an innocent animal I’m allergic to and force it to wear a cone for my benefit. That’s a huge Einstein moment.

    You’re almost no better OP. Culpable for letting it happen. It’s cruel and you should be ashamed of yourself

    If this is a real post, you should take the cat and go or get it to a home where it’ll be looked after without this BS.

    You’ve most definitely gave it a complex and altered it’s behaviour negatively and likely permanently so that’s something to feel good about too

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