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Date: October 25, 2022

9 thoughts on “FREE PAGE —- the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think your valid in feeling upset but her body her choice. I think the actual issue is why she clearly thinks she can't confide in you. What kind of trust issues do you two already have to cause this kind of reaction?

  2. I get that but just because you told her that it's a major component to you doesn't mean it's a good thing for that to be a huge pillar of your relationship. If this is the case then she may not be the one for you idk. But you gotta talk to her

  3. But it’s crazy because he has never given me a reason not to trust him. I genuinely think I have really bad trust issues so I would feel this way with anyone, not just him. I know I’m the issue

  4. Are you able to safely leave this relationship?

    No, she can't. He talks about killing his aunt for his family name and its honour. Imagine how would he feel about his honour if his girlfriend breaks up with him and moves on with her life. Not even dating some another guy, if she even talks to a guy, he will kill her. There are two ways she can move on and be alive, he somehow changes his mind about honour killings or she escapes and lives under a new name on some kind of program similar to witsec. Otherwise she lives under constant threat to her life, if she even lives at all.

  5. If I had a girl that could do half of that would be so awesome.

    I'm pretty handy with another set of competent hands would build all sorts of random stuff. Build a deck for just the hell of it.

  6. This is a good way to look at it! I hadn’t thought of that before. I know it’s disgusting and disrespectful towards the women he was taking pictures of. It’s so naked to let go, I don’t have many friends and the thought of being alone is daunting.

  7. Expecting your parents to love and respect you isn't something that needs to be “handled”. People are gay, it shouldn't be that much of a shock to ANYONE that they would abuse their own child. That's just stupid.

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