Freakyredbone on-line webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Freakyredbone on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. He never spends the night bc he has a family to get back to. You are at best a dirty secret he'll never take seriously and at worst an affair partner.

    i’m trying to tell you this with love because I have been in that spot before. I didn’t realize how much my low self-esteem made me accept really poor behavior from men and when I was in my 20s, I had been dating this guy like eight months and then found out he had a secret family in another state. In a way it was my own fault, because all I ever did was make excuses for why he didn’t do certain things for me or why he never put the effort in or why he was flaky. He was a selfish piece of shit that had no problem using other people. unfortunately, some people are just like that. There’s no deeper reason other than they’re selfish, and they don’t care about you. I know you’re desperately searching for meaning in this to understand him better, but sometimes there isn’t any deeper meaning. It’s just selfishness. And it sounds like he’s using you for sex, because I’ve literally been in your shoes.

    It really just comes down to: people will make time for what’s important to them. This guy spends less time with you than the guy that had a secret family spent with me. I can’t see how you’re justifying this and making it work because he is breadcrumbing you, gaslighting you, and outright lying to you. You need to really ask yourself the reason you made this post. Because deep down inside, your intuition is telling you something is wrong with the situation. You need to listen to it. I highly recommend getting in therapy. It really helped me, especially if you have childhood abandonment issues, it makes you more likely to accept this type of behavior because you’re desperate to feel loved. please stop wasting time on this guy that doesn’t value you. You’re better than this. And when you finally find that guy that gives you the attention you deserve and the love you crave, you’ll ask yourself how you ever tolerated this for so long. I know I think that, now that I’m married to a good man. You don’t have to settle for his breadcrumbs. There’s somebody out there that would give you as much as you give to them. We accept the love we think we deserve. You need to realize that you deserve more than this.

  2. I think it might be that he doesn't see I'm suffering at all, and simply sees it as my job? I'm not sure anymore. 🙁

  3. I completely agree but my mother is not the kind of person that would be able to do that. She can't just stop worrying about her child and stop trying to help them. She says if I was a parent I would understand that she can't just give up on her child and watch them wither away. I'm getting very frustrated because my mom has a history of heart problems and this is not healthy for her.

  4. send pics of the profile. then two simple sentences: “i’m getting tested. you’re pathetic and disgusting.”

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