FreakyFunkyNasty, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Live Live Sex Chat rooms FreakyFunkyNasty
Date: October 8, 2022
FreakyFunkyNasty, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Omg dude. Your views are so outdated. Where in the world are you??
Stop calling 24 year olds kids Karen.
You are part of the problem not the solution.
Don't ignore this or it will come back in the future. I think you should sit him down to really talk about this and possibly ask him to cut contact with his friend. If he doesn't cut contact and if he keeps bringing this up and cannot get over it by himself then I don't think this is a relationship you want to be in.
If he gets passive aggressive or let's this bother him, that is punishing you for something that happened two years ago before you even knew he existed. This is not fair to you, you did nothing wrong.
Why didn't you just save the food and have leftovers? I can't fathom why you'd just throw it away and waste it.
Anyways, he's wrong for yelling and you need to tell him that he cannot talk to you like that. You need to communicate with each other and the communication described in this post is unhealthy
You don’t have to feel bad for wanting clarity. You are spending the prime of your youth with this person and it is fair that you get an answer on whether your goals for the relationship are in alignment. Otherwise, what is to stop him from not giving an answer for another 4 years, leaving you feeling resentful and angry at having wasted so much time? His vagueness and unwillingness to give a clear answer after 4 years together is unfair, it is perfectly reasonable/mature to discuss timelines in a relationship, and you should make it clear what your desires are. He is entitled to have different goals to you, but If he refuses to give you an answer (whatever it may be), or if they are different from your own then you might consider that you want different things and are simply not compatible.
you think they’re gonna expend resources to track down some guy posting about some measly house burglary? ???
You don't love him. You love the idea of him. How could you love someone who sexually coerses you into doing something that makes you feel that way? How could you love someone who threatens to leave you if you don't act the way he wants and do something that violates your boundaries? He is a bad person. The person you love is an idea you have made up about him, not the real him.
He is an abuser and you have suffered sexual abuse. Please leave this guy and get some therapy.
“We've known each other for 7 years and I'm not particularly visually impaired so I saw what she wears on a daily basis. Not that we're two years in, I want her to be more like %insert someone from a pretty picture%”.
Moreover, what the wife is doing can bring issues down the line. Eventually the baby will have latching issues or may reject OP’s breast.
She has trauma. That’s all you need to know until she’s ready to share.
If you can trust your neighbor more than your husband, you have bigger issues to figure out.
Probably not, but I would reconsider being with someone with those views though
You BOTH need couple's therapy NOW. You don't know how this event will propagate in your psyche if left untended. You are angry, and she is probably also angry. Whther justified or not, you both need to learn to live with this reality, and she needs to understand what she's done BEFORE you can forgive her.
OP says in another comment that when she was invited a month ago she expressed excitement at the prospect of having a shared experienced together because she has been feeling neglected. It sounds like the purpose of this separation is for OP and her husband to rekindle their relationship by going back to the dating phase and I think it was cruel of him to exclude her from this activity knowing what it meant to her.
I don't think the ultimatum or the separation are actually productive though. OP, it sounds like your husband has checked out and refuses to take responsibility for his own mental health. There is only so much you can do and I don't think hanging onto this relationship is healthy for you.