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Date: October 29, 2022

5 thoughts on “FoxxyHolly on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’d say it’s a red flag. One way or another she’s trying to not so subtly get her ex’s attention. It might even be to show off her new relationship with you. But ultimately it means she hasn’t moved on from that last relationship.

  2. The other woman bid you farewell, so leave it at that. Definitely don’t meet with her. (I’d block her social media, or at least mute her at this point.)

    If she decides to spread rumors about you that get back to your SO, and your SO asks you about it, you can explain things then.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hi r/relationship_advice, I'm Tom and I befriended an awkward classmate, Wendy of mine from a class in university, and we were pretty good friends. She managed to also slowly become friends with a few of my friends from my friend group, and comes out to hang with us often.

    On her side of things, me and friends from my group are the only real “friends” she has on campus, if you know what I mean.

    Now, I've been dating my long time girlfriend Sue since freshman year, and since she has her own group of friends, hanging out and finding “our time” is a bit difficult at times but we've managed well. Recently, with finals on our heads, I only really hung out with Sue in my free time, that too in the library where we were doing our own thing and studying.

    I don't know, why or how this came up, but one day after finals when we finally hung out a bit, Wendy confided in me that she has never had a boyfriend and wants me to be her first boyfriend. I pretty much shot that down right that instant by saying, “you know I love Sue right? It'd be better if you are actually not thinking what you said.” She straight away said to my face “Yeah I'm waiting for the day you break up and I carry your broken heart.” I got pissed but didn't say anything, just said “I gotta go” and walked into a professor's cabin (who had called me for research work assistance that day anyways, and was friendly enough to not mind me showing up randomly) knowing that she wouldn't follow me there.

    A couple days later, she again goes “when are you breaking up?” and I say “stop that, you know it ain't gonna happen.” And this continued for a few weeks until yesterday I got extremely pissed and said “even if I'm not with her why the hell would I date you!? You ain't even my type, stop being clingy and find some friends, because if you don't stop your nonsense, I ain't gonna remain one.” After this happened, the other friends from my group who were friendly with her also started being cold. (towards her)

    Now, things got extreme, I mean EXTREME, when she jumped at me attempting to kiss me WHILE SUE WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE BESIDE ME. Sue knew what's going on and before I could say anything she signalled me to keep quiet, and I said nothing as I watched my girlfriend break down Wendy. I told Wendy very calmly again to not do that and that we can remain friends if she can get over me within the month.

    The month has expired, and she is back to her old habits. I don't want to put her back into her “having no friends lifestyle” but I have no choice. I have avoided her as much as I can but I haven't completely shrugged her off, but am really about to do so. I can't take this nonsense. Some people are definitely going to go like “but you should let it go, she's just depressed, you'll be a bad person to leave her, etc.” but I just can't. Should I ditch her or not?

    Edit: After reading your replies guys I have a question I URGENTLY need help with. I want to find someone in authority who I can report her behavior to and express my fears of her going towards self harm, just to keep myself out of any possible trouble. Just any adult who the police will listen to when they say that “he informed me this could happen” sorta thing.

    Edit 2: Went to my student guidance counselor and informed him of the situation. He has recorded my grievances in an official doc or something, and has emailed Wendy for an urgent appointment with him. He has asked me not to pursue this further without his knowledge, and that he will relay my concerns to her dorm's director, he did say though that I can talk to the Dean/dep. Dean for more clarity on school policy regarding this situation and what it means for me.

    As for her, in the first common class I had with her, I just told her straight to not make contact of any kind with me again, and threatened a restraining order. THE END. I thank everyone here for their advice, and I agree I was being a dumbass.

  4. She's clearly a sociopath. She still feels the same way, and she was willing to those awful things. You'd be truly stupid to stay. Get out.

  5. So your sister lied or someone lied to her and she decided to believe it.

    My take: your sister has a friend that she wants to pair you with because she doesn't like your GF and thinks you'd look better with her friend.

    That was a crazy cheating story, tho xDD. Straight outta pornhub or something lol

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