Florywalker live! sex cams for YOU!


florywalker Public Chat Channel

Date: October 29, 2022

7 thoughts on “Florywalker live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. In what world is it normal for your wife to start trying for a baby without telling you? That's so beyond normal. I don't think you should stay in this relationship. You've only been married for like a year and she and her boyfriend are already stomping all over your boundaries (he also sounds like a creepy bum for refusing to get a job to pay for his baby and repeatedly touch you without permission). You'd be better off if you left the relationship and found someone who appreciates you as a partner and let those two raise the baby on their own.

  2. You already lost her. You can leave with respect and dignity or be her toy for I don't know how long and then be abandoned in pieces. She doesn't deserve you and she is using you.

    Most of the time love is not enough,. especially if the love is one sided.

  3. What about the trust your ex put in you with her body, her happiness? You don't get to complain about breaking confidence when youre doing all kinds of treachery on the side. Its the standard you set in this world

  4. Seriously, how do you think he would feel if she took a tiny sausage and was like “haha I'm so bad at making sausage reminds me of ur small penis!!!”

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