Fiorella Sanz live sex chats for YOU!


fiorella-sanz Public Chat Channel

Date: November 1, 2022

40 thoughts on “Fiorella Sanz live sex chats for YOU!

  1. agree with most, This must be addressed. The only issue you may have is when bringing it up, he may say “I knew you were awake” people gaslight or even convince themselves of things when they get defensive. Just be prepared .

    Could suggest a therapist as well to give you a 3rd eye view as this unfolds. It may be helpful to both of you.

    Good luck

  2. I appreciate the concern for my wellbeing, I have been trying to make sure I only take what I can handle with this situation. I will admit I have had moments when I needed to step back from it and calm down to prevent emotional burnout but it was moments when she couldn’t even think of anything good he did for her and couldn’t admit that he is a bad person. At the overwhelming points I usually give her some space after explaining how it hurts me she can’t see what he did to her and we’ll change the topic and just be silly and fun for a bit to lift our moods. She has been there for some of my most difficult moments in life so I’m going to do my best to help her in her time of need.

  3. Communicate about EVERYTHING. Things will just build up and one day during an argument you will explode will all those things you wish you mentioned, have an honest conversation

  4. When arguing with your partner can you say something that you don’t necessarily mean?

    Yes, but don't expect to stay together at the end of the argument.

    Can you say hurtful things without no control, it just comes out and regret it after it.

    Yes, but don't expect to stay together at the end of the argument.

  5. Glad you see it that way.

    Interesting my closest three friends are surgeons and we had a recent discussion about this about a month ago. And I’ve never seen three guys get so angry about a subject including girl mutilation. My friend D explained how many times he’d had to deal with the fallout from both. It turned my stomach to think THICK parents are brainwashed by their upbringing (their parents) to believe it’s normal and right.

  6. Hello /u/Perfect_Traffic_7470,

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  8. You are not being dramatic. You're right in that he is leaving you in the dust. It's time to let go. He has zero intentions of actually moving you into his apartment down the road. You deserve a better partner in life than this.

  9. not that it's relevant but when I was a toddler (around 3 yo) my mom would shower with me and I always peed on her feet to annoy her

  10. Don't puke a pile of your feelings all over her, that can be a bit much, but after some time together, give her little comments to gauge her reaction. For example, you might catch her eyes, smile, and say “you know I really enjoy our time together” . No matter how she reacts, keep smiling and continue whatever you were doing. If she agrees and says she enjoys your time together you know she is starting to feel as you do. Be playful, fun to be around, considerate and complimentary.

  11. Hello /u/These-Neat-7787,

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  12. Let your husband call your daughter out for her mistreatment of you. He doesn’t have to go straight to not going to the wedding but he should demand for her to change her behavior and attitude towards you and for her to apologize for hurting you.

  13. It's absolutely illegal. And he didn't just open her mail without her permission, he stole it from her, and then showed his mama.

    How can she ever trust him again. And how can she possibly stay with someone who steals, shares her private information with others behind her back, and runs to his mama rather than talking to her.

    I would be done.

  14. he did refer to it as I would be ruining his life if I called the police in this hypothetical, but my view is that the idea of ‘snitching’ is a little juvenile and if you do something that intense then it’s just facing the consequences for your actions. Would be different if say he found a gun and came to me worried about what to do with it

  15. This is a brain dead take, my post has nothing to do with porn watching. People can have kinks without porn being the influence. I don’t even watch squirting porn.

  16. Man being hard must be cool cause people date you no matter what apparently. Why are you putting up with this? Is him being nude worth it?

  17. No not at all.

    In fact I'm the husband and I encourage my wife for us both to shower before. She's happy with that too. We don't always shower before but we often do.

  18. Ding ding ding. Dudes like this always have enough time to put it in, but the rest of it? Forget about it.

    I hope OP’s girlfriend leaves him. She’d be better off.

  19. so first of all, if he's giving money to a cyber blackmailer for that long- he's an idiot, beyond being a scumbag. He is providing steady income to a scammer rather than being trustworthy and honest to you.

    You've given this relationship enough time, he's had enough chances- this will not stop, not even if you get married. That's a partnership for life, and needs to be based on trust and respect, otherwise there's no point. You've got no reason to trust him, and he clearly has no respect for you.

    And of course he proposed- that's a fantastic deal for him, as he's thinking that he can marry you and you'll just tolerate whatever he does. No wonder you're depressed and anxious- I know from experience that doesn't just go away when you're with the right person, but it does feel a hell of a lot worse when you are with the wrong one.

    You can do better, even if it's just being single.

  20. Both my husbands best friends have cheated, 3 out of my 4 best friends have cheated. Out of our new friends, one has cheated. Also both my parents in the 80s and my FIL in the 70s cheated. Should I cut out all these people when the people who got cheated have moved on and forgiven?

  21. So would you cheat on your wife if the marriage was sexless and she didn’t support you?

    Cause that’s what it sounds like my friend.

  22. Have you tried the arm implant? It’s the most effective birth control so far and you don’t have to worry about remembering to take it every day.. plus it can last up to 3-5 years.. if you’re interested, try to talk to your gynecologist about it. Best of luck!!

  23. She has the right to be unhappy, and he should hear and respect the opinion, but demanding you stop being friends with someone means you don't trust them.

    This isn't “I'm worried the deal/opportunity your friends are offering might be garbage” it's ” Your friend cheated so I assume you two will cheat”. It's squarely saying you assume your partner is willing to cheat on you.

    It's bullshit. If I honestly thought my wife was willing to cheat on me, I wouldn't make demands of her to prove herself. I wouldn't be with her because being with someone you think is going to cheat on you isn't a good relationship. You're either wrong, and you're being shitty to a loyal partner or your right, and you should leave anyway.

    If you find you keep dropping relationships because you fear being cheated on, consider getting therapy. No, that's not an insult it's a real honest suggestion because if relationships keep ending the same way, the problem might be you.

  24. Beyond the incompatibility that everyone’s mentioned, you might be coming off kinda thirsty if you’re making all the first moves. Desperation isn’t a good look alt or otherwise. If this is the norm in your area try dating apps, alt guys into non alt girls will match with you.

  25. Yeah its an overreaction. Porn sucks but you do not seem to overdo it, so its fine. Talk to her about it and if you can go without, do it.

    Dont tell her you go without if you do not actually want to, though cause you will become a liar.

  26. Talk is cheap.

    If you really want to support her, assist her physically.

    You're kind of treating her like a child with all this scolding.

    Instead of saying she should take meds, BRING her meds. Nondrowsy ones.

    Bring her healthy food. Warm/hot drinks like tea to help her push thru the work day.

    Maybe assist her going to and from work if she's having a hot time.

    Talk is cheap.

  27. Just want to say, my mother in law got an test and they keep “updating” it with different percentages. Some of it is wild.

    Its not an exact science.

  28. Well you're about to have one of your own, and five other to…handle somehow.

    It's too late in the day now. Just tell them.

  29. Stay away. She’s apparently not very good at killing herself because she’s still alive. Assuming she has parents and loved ones, it’s their issue to deal with and hers of course. Suicide attempts and the threat of suicide is the highest form of manipulation. You don’t know what to do because you did it already. You ended an unhealthy relationship. Honestly, I’d block her and refuse contact. This is beyond you and there is nothing more to do

  30. Politely decline and say, sounds like great fun for him but I will be celebrating as well since it's our birthday.

  31. I dated someone who would very closely monitor my text response times, and had very specific expectations for acceptable response times.

    We were mismatched in that regard. I'm not a big texter in most cases, and I'm definitely not the kind of partner that requires daily check-ins. My ex was, it sucked for both of us and we're better off apart.

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