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Fine_babyy_live sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “Fine_babyy_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You made the mistake of telling and confronting everyone before talking to your lawyer You gotta get a lawyer and discuss all of this. Save all your evidence CCTV, messages, everything – discuss with the lawyer how you obtained it and if it's legal to use it Ask your lawyer about your neighbor and his wife

    Just as a precaution build a case to rain hell on your partner and get full custody of your child – you don't need to act on it but get everything ready if time comes. Preemptive strike is the best form of defense. Otherwise you can be left out easily.

    Find a therapist. A lawyer and therapist are two best friends in a situation like this.

  2. 1/20 success rate that decreases over time. Not a great call for a 20 year old with no offspring who hasn't really made up his mind

  3. It's pretty common for parents to not want their kids' (even adult kids) sleeping with an unmarried partner in their house. It's a generational and sometimes cultural difference. It's not homophobic unless they'd treat a man differently. If anything, it's the opposite. They're acknowledging you two have a sexual relationship and they don't want premarital sex in their home.

    That said, you don't have to put up with that. Get a hotel or visit different family instead. Don't ask your gf to cut them off, ofc, but find options that work for you. Or suck it up and sleep in different bedrooms. You online together, a break might be nice 🙂

  4. He sounds like me. I understand your concern , I really do. It will happen again and again , might get better for a couple of weeks, but it is easy to forget the time and responsibilitys when you are deeply invested into gaming.

    ” He always takes incredible care of me and honestly, although it sounds like he is less invested than I am, anyone that knows us would probably say the opposite.”

    Yeah that makes sense. honestly it might be super frustrating for you. But would you rather have your boyfriend play video games at night replying every 2 hours or spent the time outside with the boys replying every 15 minutes?

    Not saying that what he does is great, just saying that i would prefer a partner who i know will most likely be in front of the computer rather then spending outside with the boys.

    In his state of mind time flows different. while you seem to be the girl who is a lot on the smartphone he seems to be the guy who probably only check the phone for you if at all.

    Sorry if i sound based. it probably is

  5. Everyone recommending a doctor is starting to scare me. What else could they do if he went? He already told them what was happening and it seems they found nothing wrong.

  6. This is so many red flags I could sew them together to make a main sail and sail far away from this man.

    A prenup is an agreement between both parties to ensure that regardless of what happens everyone is secure and safe. There is very little less “not a united front” than that. But he does not seem to want a united front as that implies two equals. He wants you to give him control over your money then have four of his children back to back without sticking him with their care.

  7. He doesn’t get to control what she does. He’s a tool. Ditch him. Hang out with her. Remember his behavior

  8. Way too fast. Be careful. Watch out for red flags. The likelihood that this is really a fairytale romance is abysmal.

  9. The best thing you can say about the later entries is that they are ‘less unhinged’. Yiiiikes. I think you need to recalibrate what genuine remorse means to you dude – if she was sincerely remorseful she would’ve come clean with you on her own, and not by accident. She’s more ashamed about being caught than she is about the way she gaslit and treated you… that is some seriously limited growth.

    A lot of couple like to talk about their love story. She literally wrote yours down. Like dude, that notebook is the beginning and majority of your guys’ story so far. If that notebook was a novel, what would the character writing have to do to redeem themselves in order for you to root for them to end up together in the end? Is being less unhinged enough?

    Get her a new notebook and tell her to go start a better story with someone else. You deserve a relationship with a solid foundation, not one built on gaslighting.

  10. Hey, OP, look at me. You’re a hero, and you’re awesome. Your future ex husband is a piece of shit, and he’s about to start the down slide of his entire life as being a piece of shit catches up to him. Meanwhile, you glorious, strong unicorn, you will be okay.

    It won’t be easy, but you will do well and we believe in you. Fuck that piece of shiiiiiiiiit.

  11. Record EVERYTHING. Put in writing to him that you are not interested. Don't go back to your place and do what is necessary to make sure you aren't followed. Ask your teachers if you can do live if it's possible to lesson opportunities for him to find you in person. Are there students in your class that seem approachable? If someone came up to me and told me they were scared of another student and they just wanted other people to know what is going on, I would be getting everyone I knew to join in and help keep this guy under watch and away from you. Just having more people aware of the situation can be helpful. The more people know, the harder it will be for this kid to be protected from consequences and intervention.

  12. Let it go, you've seen no evidence she's changed- but you did. You evolved your mindset on abuse from your own circumstances because you exited a thing that wasn't working for you, she has not.

    You can be kind to her- she reached out so maybe you can chat a bit, but I would say if their relationship made you uncomfortable 7 years ago I doubt much has changed. People generally don't change unless their circumstances force them to change or through a concerted effort.

  13. Wait, she ruined his relationship with his friend because his friend cheated on her? The mental gymnastics! Just say you’re insecure.

  14. Out of all the possible cheating that can happen, I think this would be the easiest for me to forgive. It happened very early in the relationship, she broke it off herself, she never did it again.

    The part that would bother me the most is the hearing about it after six years. I would want to hear immediately ideally, so I could decide what to do, although I have not really been exclusive at the two month mark ever, so I guess it wouldn't matter at all.

    But at six years I would be mad to be told– like why are you burdening me with this information to feel less guilty? That's bullshit.

  15. Ppl will give you bullshit about personality but realistically ppl only care about your looks and how much money you have

    Make more money, go to the gym more and eat less food

    Women don’t want projects, they wait for the winner at the finish line.

    Control what you can control. Good luck on the grind! Stay strong

  16. Please listen to this old and experienced internet stranger, I promise you I care. I’m 39 and I’ve been in your shoes. I was with an emotional abusive man who promised me he would change and never did. He doesn’t love you, he can’t love you because he doesn’t love himself right now and he definitely doesn’t have it in him to love a baby as well. I’ve also worked for an abortion provider. If you have any questions I am so happy to answer them for you (or for anyone). I’m not the in the US so can’t answer to how the process works there but I can tell you how the medications work, how the operations work, what you’re likely to feel physically etc. You need to do what is best for you and none of us should influence that decision but please talk this through with people who love you first. Your besties, your family, people you trust. Reach out and get all the information you can before you make a decision.

  17. Gods you’re an overbearing, immature, selfish and delusional know it all

    You post here with a very very specific way to interpret information that DOES NOT have any sort of implication in that direction

    And then when, rightfully, everyone are like “that is one of maybe twenty ways of interpreting that, and it’s the least flattering way you could possibly interpret your gf’s behavior” you throw a little mantrum that everyone isn’t doing the same mental gymnastics you are.

    Do the girl a favor and leave her already so she can start finding a dude who actually likes her, actually communicates, and treats her like she’s a person with feelings, you insufferable twat.

  18. I’m sure my exes are still on my profile cuz I’m not wading through YEARS of posts to delete them. And would find it weird as fuck if my current partner was deep diving in my profile. You’re just looking for trouble at that point.

  19. I can already see people are going to assume he's romantically inclined towards her, and I'm going to disagree with that. I was recently forced to move out of my own childhood home, and it was surprisingly traumatic (I won't get into why). Honestly, I'd do anything to go back, and I can understand why your husband is doing this.

    But its completely inappropriate. This 20 year old lives alone with her child, and she may get the impression he has other reasons for being there. That may make her feel unsafe. Not to mention that when buying a house, literally not a single person on Earth wants the last homeowner to be coming with that deal. I completely understand how hot this is for him, but he needs to stop this and move on, and leave her alone. Even if she says its completely fine, a lot of people are just conflict avoidant or don't want to cause hurt feelings- maybe she's really okay with it, maybe she isn't, but regardless, she shouldn't really have to be in a position where she has to reassure anyone of this one way or another. She's alone for the first time I imagine, away from family. Time to let her be, and not have some older guy constantly come around.

  20. She had plans. You're going on as if she's out with him every single night and witholding him from you. It was one evening and you throw a temper tantrum? And you have the nerve to dictate to her that she's not allowed out with the baby? You are ridiculous.

    Yes, it sucks that you are working such long hours but how is that her fault? She brought the baby to see her family. Something you clearly can't be bothered to engage with given that you're refusing to attend the family party.

    I bet if she left you with the baby all the time you'd soon change your tune.

    You need to grow up. You can't even handle the replies here from people without having a tantrum. Pathetic behaviour.

  21. I’m not comfortable with any form of birth control inside my body or could potentially give me side effects other than a condom to be honest. I did research and thought about it many times and that’s why I made sure we agreed about it before we got engaged

  22. He probably just blocked you. You can call the police for a wellness check, but this isn't love. stop letting people treat you like this.

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