FannyBush online webcams for YOU!


sgemma chat

Date: October 10, 2022

6 thoughts on “FannyBush online webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t know if I could tell anything like that to a stranger, and how do i even bring this subject to them

  2. You don't think the introduction to the kids should come before that? Considering how big kids are a part of a parent's life, how can you even begin to make plans for engagement without seeing whether the dynamic with the kids will work out?

  3. Why would the video be that bad? Today's cameras are top notch.

    Your gf would have looked rough and been walking funny if true.

    Does sis hate her or something? How'd she find out? You need a chain of evidence for this accusation.

  4. You're right to be mad, but I wouldn't get mad until you ask her if she's willing to reimburse you or split it some way somehow? Yeah, she created a problem. If she's not willing to help you solve it, then get mad.

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