Exotic69dreamz live sex chats for YOU!


20 thoughts on “Exotic69dreamz live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s already been decided that this is the Christmas that determines future Christmases. With the advice from here I plan on letting my dad know that if hubby is not invited, there won’t be another Christmas, birthday or any other family gathering.

  2. Dude if I were you, I would end it now and let her do whatever she wants while abroad. You’re not going to be ok with it, and all that will happen is resentment will build to the point that any relationship you do have with her will become toxic and traumatic.

    End it and find someone who shares your views.

  3. On the show Catfish the top three clues someone is catfishing you are:

    1.) Refusal to call/video chat 2.) Refusal to send pictures 3.) Frequent delayed/cancelled meet ups

    This sounds like a catfish. There's a thing they do on the show where you can essentially send the person a link to something of your choosing and when they click on it it will show you their location via their IP address. If you're actually wanting to pursue this I would really start asking some serious questions.

    I know you've invested a lot of time in this, but you're young. This sounds sketchy as fuck.

  4. Not sure what kind of relationship you imagine ours to be but I love this man and I choose him to be the father of my child. If I'd spend my days nagging and enabling his shitty behaviour I wouldn't ask for help getting him out of this seemingly neverending rut.

  5. OP, you are a lesbian and asexual. Your wife not only included a male in your relationship but make a HUGE decision without involving you.

    This is an abusive relationship. This kid is not your responsibility. It was her choice to have a child with a man that wants kids but refuses to work???

    You have one life. Do not waste it on those two.

  6. Jfc.

    It’s time to woman-up and stop letting loser fuckwads walk all over you. You’re begging for scraps while he spend your paycheck on partying with other women.

    I’m saying this with kindness: where is your self-respect?

    He is saying to your face that he doesn’t love you, doesn’t like you, doesn’t want to be your boyfriend (but apparently would like you to keep handing over your money to him).

    And you’re just like, “sure that sounds great”??

    What on earth are YOU getting out of this relationship?

  7. I am so sorry that you are so warped by your parents that you think them assaulting you is acceptable. And I am so glad that your in laws are there to protect you. And I am ecstatic that your bully of a father got shown exactly what happens when he hurts someone he professes to love.

  8. My partner of 5 years has only met one of my friends. She comes over once a year to watch an event with me on our big screen. My friends and I get together to do our shared hobby (horses) or go to musicals or out to dinner. My partner isn’t into those things.

    Conversely, as I have a shared hobby with my partner and his friends, I see them/spend time with them a few times a month. My partner also goes out with them alone and I enjoy the quiet, empty, clean, house and my charcuterie board and wine and a hot bath. LOL

    If you have people in the social circle who only want to hang out as couples, that’s fine. Meet more people who aren’t that way. Frankly, I think trying to hang out as couples is kind of hard because it’s rare to find a good fit. I rarely have much in common with the women my partner’s buddies date. I’m usually about a decade older, and I have a kind of high level career where most of them are less educated and work retail or daycare or something and want marriage and babies. They just aren’t my tribe. ?‍♀️

    I think that if you’re happy with your partner, ignore the rest of them. If they ask just tell them that he’s an introvert and doesn’t like going out much.

  9. Because your boundary is nonsense to begin with. Sure you can define such boundaries but they are a sure way to create exactly the situation you are in right now.

    What exactly is your reasoning that you don't want your partner to have contact with her ex? Except being insecure about it? But if you are insecure about that relationship – why aren't you insecure about your partner being friends with another man? That is exactly the same with the difference that you know that she was once attracted to her ex.


    You act like nothing is wrong and you leave bc that is what is safest for you.

    You just described someone who has physically and sexually assaulted you repeatedly over four years and you want to give him a reason to do it again??

    Your priority is getting to safety. You have a little girl that is not even 2 years old. She needs her mother. She needs YOU to keep her safe.

    What do you think will happen when you tell him you're not coming back? You think he'll just say “Oh OK yeah I see why. I'm an asshole.” Or do you think he's going to go ballistic on you and do whatever he can to keep you in his house, including and up to the worst things he's done to you so far and then some?

    I escaped from someone who tried to murder me. I know how far abusers will go to keep their victims in line.

    You act like everything is normal. You go your parents' place, and you block him on everything. NEVER CONTACT HIM AGAIN. You keep you and your child away from this nightmare of a person. Your need for vengence does not trump the safety of your child.

  11. I understand your concern, and I'm not trying to dismiss it. I'm just providing another point of view. Maybe the boyfriend has a secret rape fetish. Maybe he's been scrolling Tiktok and realized there is a large market for that type of writing and has a secret side hustle that he is too embarrassed to share. Impossible to say from the OP. It's why I suggested she only brings it up in a public place for safety. Again, leaving a relationship for ANY reason is valid. If it's a hot no from OP, then that is %100 reasonable.

    I just happen to know that fantasizing or writing something doesn't mean it's reflective of your core values every time.

  12. Op, you shouldn’t have to set yourself on fire to keep yourself warm. I know you guys have a lot of history but if you accept this type of behavior from a “friend” she will never change. Never repay someone at the expense of your mental or physical well-being. She is not being a good friend to you right now. Good luck!

  13. Your really stuck in the deep end here. I was raised by someone on those scales, or had other conditions that are close enough.

    To be honest with you i wasnt raised by him, i was raised by my mom under the same roof as him. I was just a toy, a means too an end. Today i am 27F and i place blame with my mother for not protecting me, for choosing too stay with him, and defending his abusive actions too me everytime. My mother sounds an awful lot like you. I hope you really think about that when you choose too stay with this man, cause your son may not speak too you someday for not protecting him from a sociopath.

    Box this however you want too, my mother did just like you did, her parents were concerned for her just as your mother was, my father isolated my mother from her family, them her friends, then even herself, and she went along with because “he is only doing this because he loves me” “he’s not an abusive man”

    I rlly do hope your a troll and i also hope you get yourself help before you have no contacts left.

  14. Why are you even putting yourself in this at all? Clearly he just moved on and your friend is into him. You shouldn't tell her anything, let her be happy.

  15. My MIL only entered my home once unannounced. I think the fact I thought she was a burglar and almost hit her with a baseball bat cured it. Fortunately I dropped it mid swing when I realized it was her. She could have been killed. ? I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to let themselves into other people’s homes. The security codes were changed that night.

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