Eve-Kivis on-line sex cams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Eve-Kivis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I also have EDS. I have had it since I’ve been little. I hate to say it but your relationship is abusive. I don’t want to project but I just got out of an abusive narcissistic relationship last year and the reason I didn’t see it for so long was because I had become codependent. I accepted half love because I never thought I’d get any at all because I was sick and “problematic”. This got me in a world of trouble, and I’ve used the last year to learn how me not loving myself gets me stuck in people who don’t love me either.

  2. We've been talking for a month or so (already exchanged IG). She asked me out first after a week or two, but I avoided it. Ngl our convos aren't that “fun”, I'd say it's just a casual convo, because I don't want to be too attached, but it keeps going.

    As per today we haven't met in person, but I guess I might want to ask her out soon.

  3. This except instead of her parents I would just put in the trash bin, if she wanted it she shouldn’t have left it in your house. ? bonfire time.

  4. Honestly, I don't know. I wanted to know the truth, so at least there is closure and I won't be having all these questions in my head again. But god knows, what I would do once I know the truth. My mind is always so loud

    I know sometimes it is best to leave when things become so messy, but the thought of it scares me. I have invested so much in him, and he's my first love. I don't know how this will end up, but I hope I'll be happy in the end.

  5. Thanks for your honest advice. It’s unfortunate that I had to scroll this far through the crap to read it.

    My sister and I had a good talk today and she misses me too. We have plans to spend the evening together tomorrow ☺️

  6. You wouldn’t be a bad person if you went alone. I sometimes wonder “why wasn’t I invited” when I see my friends somewhere without me but then I realize that sometimes plans are made during outings where I’m not out with them because maybe I decided to stay home that night and then they didn’t revisit the invite list after the initial planning or something like that.

    Or maybe they just wanted a smaller more specific group of people and it might not have even crossed their mind to invite me.

    I overthink it sometimes but ultimately I have to trust that my friends DO like me because they certainly reach out and invite me to stuff still.

    Also raising my hand to go with you on the trip. ??‍♀️?? I’m a killer travel partner 😉

  7. Your family thought you could do better. They were right. Keep pushing for what you are owed so you can cut off this manchild from your life. He has huge m, huge issues that you will only begin to see with more time and distance.

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