EvayourDreams live sex cams for YOU!


EvayourDreams Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

20 thoughts on “EvayourDreams live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Once she has treatment and therapy, she will hopefully understand you had to act to protect her and your baby. Be strong, this is the illness, not her. People in the grip of delusions can be so adamant they are right and aware of what they want. A friend of mine was on the other side of this, almost lost their job and both marriages nearly imploded when an client he’d barely heard of claimed they were in a relationship. It was only when the supposed AP said he was sending her messages through the songs on the radio at work that something clicked and the client’s partner took them to urgent care.

    It may take her a while to come round but you need to protect your child, yourself and your wife. Speak to her mother honestly, she may have also seen and heard things but been unwilling to face up to it. If you can get her family on board it will be easier, even if she moves in with them temporarily while you seek treatment.

  2. I’m in the same exact boat and calling the cops and having him try to leave solved nothing. I even thought of just leaving but I hate to see my own mom struggle! I hope your mom can see the light and leave him too!!

  3. Yeah, so no. I’m not blabbering on, and if I don’t know what I’m talking about it’s because I’m only going off what information you’ve given us. It’s mesmerizing to me that you come on here for advice and then are shocked at the idea that you might be wrong.

    All I’ve said has been based on what you posted. You don’t like what I have to say because I agree with your boyfriend and you came here looking for ways to show him he’s wrong for feeling the way he does. He’s not wrong for his feelings and I guess you didn’t anticipate getting comments agreeing with him. You suck for coming on here looking for ways to convince him to be okay with you continuing a relationship with people you share a sexual past with.

    You and your close friends used to exchange nudes.

    That is sexual intimacy.

    Your boyfriend is not okay with it.

    You are here looking for advice on how to make him okay with it.

    I agree with your boyfriend. I would not be okay with this either.

    I tell you that maybe instead of trying to force him into being okay with it you need to decide which is more important, your relationship with your boyfriend or your relationship with friends that used to be sexual in nature.

    You decide that I’m wrong because I agree with your boyfriend and I’m not just telling you what you want to hear.

    I guess the lesson today is don’t come to an advice sub if you’re not willing to hear the advice that you might be wrong.

  4. Hello /u/whateverflevers,

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  5. I'm sure it did break your heart. She may eventually get over her ex. Unfortunately, and sadly, it's pretty clear that you won't be the guy to get her there. You're not going to get any hotter than you were the day you met her. She has opted to settle for you, probably because she has given up on ever finding everything she wants in one man again. But it isn't good to be settled for. You should call it a day.

  6. This. I been called an asshole in other subs when i mention my ex being in contact with his ex bothers me. That relationship did not end well because it ate me up inside how he still kept his pictures with his exes on his fb cover pictures and still in contact, later on his ex became a family friend suggesting that the ex should join us on our trip. All my boundaries got broken relationship ended. We stayed in contact as friends for a while but he deleted and blocked me and that ex soon as he found someone new. He either learned from his mistakes or i wasnt that important to begin with, more likely the second

  7. Ahhh ok I understand this. It’s naked for me to empathize with things I really don’t understand. And if I am not empathizing or emotionally tapped in I am the same way with little boundaries that make no sense to me. I think he probably has some sort of trauma around it lmfao I mean look it’s obviously an odd thing to explode over so I understand being curious I guess this is something you’re just gonna have to accept you’re not gonna understand this? Lmao I’m sorry it’s not funny but it sort of is because it’s so minor but it’s still his boundary and I know I’ve got some crazy weird boundaries myself.

  8. That's a very selfish view of marital sex. Is it also her body her choice if she told him she was on birth control because she wanted a baby and he didn't?

  9. Bottom line – if it's something you would have ended the relationship over at the time, it doesn't make it any better that she told you now.

    Would you have broken up with her back then? Probably.

    Now you have the added weight of knowing she did that AND kept it from you for 6 years.

    I found some stuff out about my ex wife (together almost 14 years) a while after we split. Up til that point, I had great memories of the early days, but I had also moved on from her. Learning those things completely ruined the memories of the “good times” and changed everything for me.

    If I had learned the things I learned while we were still together, I'm certain I would have ended the relationship, no matter what excuses she gave me or how much she told me she was sorry and that she had changed. Reality is, those “how we met” days are things you hold on to for life and should be great memories and (hopefully) a good story. They were for me, even after we split up. The marriage itself didn't work, but we had, what I thought, were some amazing years together and I was perfectly fine having those great memories as part of my life. I doubt I could have continued after having learned those things.

  10. So you're not very smart, then.

    It's a “mass” shooting because you're flinging the same meant-to-be-hurtful ammunition at anyone you see. Mass shooters may be inspired to act by certain particular objects of loathing, but in the end their bullets are always addressed to, “To whom this may concern”.

    I equated it to a mass shooting because those events are elaborate and well-armed displays of trolling. In the end, trolling is a whiny expression of Descartes' famous sentiment. “I offend, therefore I am.”

    So, yes: you're someone who feels that the ride started before you were allowed to get on. You feel so despondent and betrayed by this that you try to hurt people as a way of proving you still exist. Your execution is different but your intent is the same.

  11. Most of my friends are Chinese or Chinese-Canadian. I’m half white, half Chinese and grew up/live in Canada. None of us act like this.

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