Eva_Stivenslive sex stripping with hd cam


104 thoughts on “Eva_Stivenslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You’re right I’ve been telling myself to rethink it but then I just end up staying because he tells me it’s not worth it to argue about.

  2. Um hello, he is choosing to break up with you over a cat. when their are two they tend to get zombies and play fight. My cat gets zombies when the sun goes down and it’s actually quite funny.

  3. Well, I also bought her a gift. So I am appreciative. It's not like I demanded. I don't demand gifts or anything else from her. She asked me what I wanted, I replied, sent her the list of vinyl that I wanted. Then I asked her what she wants and she told me so I bought that specific item.

  4. Fucking adore the fact the first comment isnt about an apparently dumb and insecure relationship but about this girls actually health lmao

  5. I'd want to send a copy of the divorce rules and CPS investigation to the therapist if I could find their name. Then they could do their own truth hunting. There is zero chance she is admitting to hoarding if she is still in denial.

  6. Why doesn't he ever go with you to visit your parents?

    How long have you know him? When did you first meet him in person ? When did you move in?

    Also, are you in school or working?

  7. u/orangepumpkim7, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. She has every right to feel the way she feels. I would be absolutely broken if my boyfriend did this, he had every chance to remove himself from the situation but he didn't. If he was worried what his friends would think of him then he needs better friends.

  9. Time dilation also isn't at all intuitive. I see it as “huh, that's a weird and complicated thing that I guess scientists figured out, but I'll never really understand it.”

    I'm a civil engineer, but consider most of that stuff pretty intuitive (at least compared to time dilation). I don't think you have to be “dumb” to say you don't understand it.

  10. The point is the data you mentioned is from 1932.

    The hypothesis is controversial and doesn't give us any hard facts.

  11. Cooking for people who are grieving is a tradition in about every culture, and it shows how much we’ve all lost our roots that this is even being questioned. Your boyfriend is being a douche and problem just wants all the food and attention himself.

    There’s a good reason for this tradition. Grieving people can’t function, plan and loose their appetite. If the community doesn’t make it easy to eat, they won’t.

  12. if you're not going to do anything about it, nothing will change. Which means that you're going to have to deal with his kids there.

  13. Hello /u/Red_rose49,

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  14. Fast forward, I met someone else (25M), we haven't made things official yet because he wanted to meet my family first before moving to the next step. And I'm ok with that.

    Why does he need to meet your family to date you? And why are you OK with such a weird demand? This is so odd.

  15. I don’t know. I’m so hung up on the “pillow princess” thing. She wants to feel wanted but refuses to do anything to make him feel wanted? Seems pretty toxic to me.

  16. Nothing is worse than a partner that doesn't think your struggles are real. She plays your depression down. Thinks that they are so easy to overcome and that also means you overdramatize. Someone like this is dangerous. She will never be a support. She can even manipulate or throw away your medications.

    Before she didn't seem to care since it didn't affect her, now she didn't feel so desired and you should stop your medication?! Even though you feel so much better with it? Do you see how selfish this is? And overall… How much does she actually care about you and how much is it me, me, me? Often you don't realize it when you are depressed how bad your partner is actually for you.

    Concentrate on yourself! You aren't even so long together. And a real partner would support everything that makes you get better.

  17. Hobosexual- someone who gets in relationships with whoever will give them a place to live.

    She is either scamming you, or she's absolutely insane, In either case it's only been a week- cut ties, block, move on.

  18. You’re not ready to date and that’s okay, grief is something that takes time and you just need more time. It’s okay to be alone, it doesn’t have to be a punishment

  19. You can either pretend like it’s all okay or be straight up and say you don’t want to talk to him. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Do what’s comfortable for you. Also this is why I don’t get close to anyone at work then my avoiding someone isn’t even noticed lmao

  20. My partner is the same way. He has expressed very few personal boundaries in our relationship, but not touching is belly button at all is a clear and non-negotiable one for him. In our 5 year relationship, I’ve poked his belly button twice. Once when he set the boundary, and once when he wouldn’t stop tickling me (it acted like a factory reset button).

    Your boyfriend is an asshole that doesn’t respect your personal boundaries and feels entitled to touching your body. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, and now he’s trying to gaslight you for holding him accountable. Flick him in the nuts next time he can’t keep his hands to himself.

  21. I wouldn't for a few reasons but it's up to you and your husband . If he says no, I would definitely not do it because if you do it will eventually ruin your relationship with your husband and your marriage.

  22. My wife is 8 years younger than me. We were the same age you guys when we met. We are literally laughing reading these comments

    Seriously, trust your gut! If you’re feeling like something is wrong, gap it. If not, go for the ride. Honestly, Reddit thinks women in their 20s are idiots

    Good luck and I hope he treats you well and you treat him well too

  23. That stability comes at the cost of allowing your partner to shout at you in times of emotional or physical stress.

    Have a look ahead of you at your life. I genuinely hope that it is filled with more laughter than sorrow, more success than failure, and more ease than hardship. But the very hot truth is that no one gets through life without experiencing stress.

    When one of you drops pudding on the floor, she yells.

    What about when one of you has to work 12-hour days for a time?

    What about when you have a newborn, should you choose to have children? What about when that newborn becomes a toddler, or a teenager? Or – god forbid – a young adult taking insane risks or getting married or becoming a parent themselves and asking you for help! Parenting just gets more stressful the longer it goes on.

    What about when you host Christmas dinner? Are you okay with screaming in the grocery aisles because she can’t help it?

    What about when one of you gets sick? It’s going to happen eventually. Literally no one gets all the way to 100 without some health scare. If it’s her it’s bad enough, but what if it’s you? Are you game to be screamed at from your sick bed, recovering from an operation or chemo or angina?

    What about when your parents get old? If you are very fortunate, they will live to be elderly, but elderly people need care. What if she’s screaming at your mother? She “can’t help it”, it just comes out of her because she’s stressed.

    If you are looking for a long-term partner, you want someone who can face these things with you, not in opposition to you. Ask yourself if this woman is a person who can do that.

  24. yes, but none of that is the case here. What is more likely, is the high weight causes risk for pregnancy, risk for illness, risk for accident etc. You wildly went out of line shaming OP who does not come off as someone who is shallow. Quite the opposite. OP comes off as someone who is vulnerable and honest and seeking help. OP is asking out of concern to try to save his relationship.

  25. First, if I was your girlfriend and you hadn’t had a vacation in years, but planned one with best friend instead of me I’d be hurt.

    Next, what she did was awful and manipulative.

    You need to break up and when you get back find a girlfriend that you want to spend time with and that cares about you.

  26. Again he is either not claiming to have a PhD and is just using “doctor” as a simpler way to explain his job or he has a PhD. Either way, I think you are wrong here.

  27. As I said last time you posted this, stop trying to be sexually involved with people In monogamous relationships, even if they’re down for it.

  28. Your wife is teaching your child to be a spoilt brat.

    She’ll go to school thinking that if she cries all her little classmates will give her what she wants.

    You know that’s not what will happen.

    You know that she will get bullied and beaten and teased.

    You need to speak to your wife, who needs to start parenting instead of going for the easy life.

    She’s being a shit parent by giving in.

  29. That’s because you had the misfortune of dating the bottom of the barrel. Sadly at 30 men become extra insecure because they no longer look their best and feel constantly threatened by other better looking men (I hope you see what I did there).

    Anyway, just keep on and at some point you will find a gem.

    Source: Me, my bestfriend is a man and…also my ex. My BF is fine with it because he is secure and knows I don’t have time for drama.

  30. It's a risk….but you you could post a job ad in Craigslist list for his area and try to found a person who seems credible.

    I know it's a risk, but I've had it work out for me for some very odd job requests, even same day.

  31. Hes not giving you gifts. He's buying shit for himself and using you as an excuse.

    He sounds lazy too. He relies on you for transport and free labour for his company? Nu-uh. Raise your standards on him at the very least. He's too comfortable.

  32. Here's my two cents. This is a person who plainly told you that 'taking you for burgers three months ago' was his best effort. That is his definition of 'quality time'.

    This leads me to this – I do not think this is your 'person'. You want effort and quality in your relationship. He doesn't think he should have to do anything at all but labels it as 'organically' which is just plain B.S.

    Lastly, men/people do not make these comments as a 'joke' until they are called out on it. When they are questioned, that's when it becomes a joke.

  33. I've never met his family. The friends of his that I've met I don't have their contact info, never thought about getting it and I feel stupid for not having it. Smh

  34. Unless you have some real world solutions, you should leave it alone. Do you have space for her if she gets evicted?

  35. Huh? If she isn’t super clingy then she would not need to work on it.

    What is the difference between needy and clingy to you?

    Okay from time to time? That’s vague.

    You keep talking in contradictions.

  36. It’s fucked up that he never let you meet his family. I would feel super frustrated, especially now that you’re seeing the full picture for the first time.

    Maybe you should discuss this with him; did he do it to “protect” you and save your feelings? If he did, that’s pretty patronizing. But if he did it to protect himself because he knew that you would react poorly, well, maybe that’s something you should think about.

  37. In some of his comments he said he spent all his time/energy on his business and wasn’t present with his wife. So it’s quite possible she wanted to move so she wasn’t alone but had a support network since he was always at work and going out, leaving her alone with kids.

  38. I would personally prefer a nice and quiet day at home if my husband has a visible black eye like that just because both of us hate curious eyes and having to explain stuff to people. If it really matters to him that we go out with that, I’d go and try to make the best out of it, however.

  39. Ahhh to be single and not have to deal with shit like this, feels good man. OP she went on a date and at the very least has a backup for you now. Imagine the convo between her and her friend setting this up “I’m meeting this guy from Tinder and he’s gonna bring his friend blah blah blah looks like a musician” “lol omg okay that’ll be fun, he’s hot” – I’m paraphrasing but probably not far off

  40. You shouldnt have let him move in, or shoulda agreed to a trial period but made it clear you might reevaluate.

    But yes, you should make him move out. If he cant be with someone who cares about their dogs this much, he isnt the one for you.

  41. Forgot about him. Let's talk about you.

    What are you doing in this relationship? You could live alone and have an amazing life, why do you choose to stay connected to someone who views you as slave labor? Who doesn't contribute at all? Who does nothing for you? Who clearly believes that every responsibility is yours? That's not marriage, that's indentured servitude.

    Please think about taking steps to extracate yourself from this relationship before it kills you.

  42. Thank you. Tempted to decline but it’s in a few hours and I’d prefer not to. I don’t want to punish my sister for my dad’s actions. I’m really angry but hopefully it dissipates a bit over the next few hours. I want to remain civil but I honestly have no idea how I’m going to react. I’m so angry. Just wish I had her experience at home.

  43. Sounds like he’s toxic. He wants you to fail to make himself feel better.

    And he yells at you so much that your landlord near enough kicked you out? Why are you with him?

  44. All your father has to do to assure his safety on a visit is not hit you. It seems like that’s too high of a bar for him.

  45. Like clock work no empathy. This is a situation the wife put them in for her job opportunity, it is because of the way she looks people do this and when OP brings it up for seven months the wife has been telling him to suck it ul and get over it.

    Dude agreed to move. Yes she convinced him, but he made that choice. Getting upset and holding it against her is childish. And are you blaming her for how she looks? How is that a point?

    It makes perfect sense to resent the wife even if she can't help the way she looks because she isn't really providing any path forward for him when he is receiving the brunt of the consequences for this move.

    You think it's rational for OP to resent his wife for not providing a path forward. Specifically what path forward, because that sounds codependent as fuck to me. What can she say that OP can't? I interpret this situation as her having to mother him.

    Your inane bs suggestion of “just confront them bro. Heh when they call you a pedophile just be petty back and call them rude that will stoo them” when he has for months shown proof of his wife's age and they bave reached the point where he is being harassed by police is pathetically stupid considering the energy you're coming to OP with.

    How do you let someone say that shit and not point out how stupid they are?

  46. Just rip the band-aid off bro, there is no “softening the blow”, it's gonna hurt no matter what, just don't be a dick about it and let it go

  47. Just went to a club in Scottsdale last weekend and a shot was $37. She’s just being economical!

  48. He’s not the only asshole here. Keeping quiet about not wanting kids hoping that you can trap your partner before they realise is more shitty.

  49. If she cannot understand that you have to be at work then why do you like this girl? I am seriously asking you this. She has no empathy if she cannot understand that people have work schedules and cannot change them for dinner.

  50. …maybe, he probably wants to know what fabric her panties are’ but that normal Guys’ love tighter’holes

  51. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Ok so my husband (M35) and I (F33) have a disagreement and I think is a good idea to ask here what do other people think. We were talking about expectations and things we would like in our relationship. So for context: been married for 4 months, together for 2 years. Before our wedding not to long ago we were messing around and I said that I could see my self committing to giving him oral sex at least once a month. Time passed and that hasn’t been the case. Why? I don’t know sometimes I guess we just skip that part and move to regular sex.

    Today talking about things we would like he said he would like for me to give him oral sex when he asks for it ( to be fair he didn’t said “whenever” just like, sometimes), but just the oral, like without any other sexual act. I said that if I’m feeling like it maybe i would but that since for me is a sexual act I’m not gonna do it if I don’t feel like it. He said that for him is not sexual, is like a foot massage (my words). And that he would like it without any other type of sexual act and just like a gift from me. So like a favor. But idk it rubs me the wrong way, doing something that for me IS sexual if im not feeling like it, kind of SA in a way. He doesn’t see it like that. So reddit, what do you think? Much appreciate the feedback from men and women alike. I may show him the responses and if anyone has some questions just ask.

    Edit: adding more context one time we were chilling and he asked me for a hand job, i told him no because I wasn’t feeling it (i wasn’t feeling sexual) he also said it was more like a massage. He says it just something that helps him to relieve some stress.

    Edit 2: so to clarify some things I’ve been reading in the comments:

    1) I have a higher libido than him (he has said that himself) and I would say our sex life is amazing, although lately we’ve been fighting so it hasn’t been that great (the last week) I think that maybe he was letting his frustration get the best of him in this particular circumstance.

    2) He is a GREAT and generous lover, and I think I am too. I have no problem with him asking for something, communication is an important part of a healthy relationship. My issue is that if I’m not feeling it I should be able to decline and his response was “well then I’ll just won’t ever ask if you’re just going to refuse me”. Which I never said I would do EVERY single time, just if I’m not feeling it.

    3) I really want to show him this tread but I don’t want to hurt his feelings, there were a lot of comments that were suggesting that he would cheat or other mean stuff. He is a great man I just don’t agree with him in this particular issue. Thanks for keeping the comments respectful towards him and me.

    English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes

  52. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Ok so my husband (M35) and I (F33) have a disagreement and I think is a good idea to ask here what do other people think. We were talking about expectations and things we would like in our relationship. So for context: been married for 4 months, together for 2 years. Before our wedding not to long ago we were messing around and I said that I could see my self committing to giving him oral sex at least once a month. Time passed and that hasn’t been the case. Why? I don’t know sometimes I guess we just skip that part and move to regular sex.

    Today talking about things we would like he said he would like for me to give him oral sex when he asks for it ( to be fair he didn’t said “whenever” just like, sometimes), but just the oral, like without any other sexual act. I said that if I’m feeling like it maybe i would but that since for me is a sexual act I’m not gonna do it if I don’t feel like it. He said that for him is not sexual, is like a foot massage (my words). And that he would like it without any other type of sexual act and just like a gift from me. So like a favor. But idk it rubs me the wrong way, doing something that for me IS sexual if im not feeling like it, kind of SA in a way. He doesn’t see it like that. So reddit, what do you think? Much appreciate the feedback from men and women alike. I may show him the responses and if anyone has some questions just ask.

    Edit: adding more context one time we were chilling and he asked me for a hand job, i told him no because I wasn’t feeling it (i wasn’t feeling sexual) he also said it was more like a massage. He says it just something that helps him to relieve some stress.

    Edit 2: so to clarify some things I’ve been reading in the comments:

    1) I have a higher libido than him (he has said that himself) and I would say our sex life is amazing, although lately we’ve been fighting so it hasn’t been that great (the last week) I think that maybe he was letting his frustration get the best of him in this particular circumstance.

    2) He is a GREAT and generous lover, and I think I am too. I have no problem with him asking for something, communication is an important part of a healthy relationship. My issue is that if I’m not feeling it I should be able to decline and his response was “well then I’ll just won’t ever ask if you’re just going to refuse me”. Which I never said I would do EVERY single time, just if I’m not feeling it.

    3) I really want to show him this tread but I don’t want to hurt his feelings, there were a lot of comments that were suggesting that he would cheat or other mean stuff. He is a great man I just don’t agree with him in this particular issue. Thanks for keeping the comments respectful towards him and me.

    English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes

  53. I don't write erotic stories, and don't read them, but there have been studies done on this, women are the highest user's of erotic literature. I remember my mother reading “Romance” novels (titles like “Savage love”) when I was a kid and some looked to me from just the covers didn't look like they were all consensual?) Men look at porn, women read it.

  54. Excellent answer.

    I will say, I don't like the term “owe” because it isn't a transaction. Kids don't owe things for being raised. However, some appreciation should happen. This guy paid bills, fed, clothed, and schooled them. Unsure what else he's done, those are basics. But they wouldn't happen on minimum wage with a single income.

    Appreciate the sacrifices and effort. It doesn't have to be a parent/child relationship, but at least one of respect and kindness.

  55. Accept the gift she has given you. My daughter and her friends commonly called favorite parents mom or dad. Nothing strange about it. She is blessed to hav an extra dad to love her and you are blessed to have a bonus daughter.

  56. You're shopping for pain by wanting to continue with her. She has to work on herself first to be able to be in a relationship.

  57. Lol, recently? That was 3 years ago. I remember the BoRU with the posts – at least the update sounded hopeful.

    OP's gf sounds a bit OCD, as well, with the way she has to put everything out of sight. I think in OP's place, I'd have already handed her back to her parents. I mean, he puts a sticky note on it to leave it in place, and she still can't respect his wishes? I'd grow a short fuse, too.

  58. Personality disorders are probably the most poorly understood aspect of the most poorly understood field of medicine. We have an incredibly limited understanding of how they work, how to provide any sort of effective therapy, or even the mechanisms behind them.

    What I can say is that people with ASPD function, as do people with most conditions, under a spectrum of affliction. Some people you'd never imagine had it with a passing glance. I'm sure there are many who are misdiagnosed as well (on both side of the diagnosis).

    ASPD doesn't mean you must be a monster, but it does mean there is a pattern of behavior that someone has identified in them. All people have varying degrees of empathy for people for a variety of reasons (you don't have the same level of empathy for a loved one as you do a stranger on the street, for example), what matters for OP is the actions he has in the past that have led to his diagnosis.

    He may be completely fine as a partner to her, or it may be a terrible mistake due to her falling for his classic charms/charisma. Without knowing the both of them it's impossible for any of us to say, and we should all be mindful of that.

  59. End the relationship.

    Regardless of what the test says, you broke the trust in the relationship by setting up the test.

    Chances are that your gf is either cheating on you, or not long for your relationship anyway

  60. Your husband is intimidated by and feels emasculated by you, but that's a him problem. I'd tell him in no uncertain terms will I be putting up with bullshit like this from him, and he can either go to marriage counseling and get it together, or he can be single. Unfortunately he's her father so you can't stop him from saying these things around her, but you can online by example, provide her opportunities, and let her know all of the time the things you love about her that make her who she is.

  61. “I feel I am now in a position i cannot get out of, what do i do as i don’t feel i can continue with this?”

    You hired someone to work for you. Is she not working?

    If you feel like she needs to be your friend then you should probably seek therapy.

  62. I’m happy and proud of you for breaking it off. It’s very hot to leave an abusive relationship because it doesn’t happen all at once. Usually it takes a final straw kind of thing to make you cut ties for good. Im glad you found it before you got married. As others suggested, make a list of all the things he’s done and said to make you feel less than or doubt yourself. You can find someone so much better. Hugs!

  63. This isn't about permission, it's about getting his input. Considering his opinion. If you plan to marry him, those things are important.

    You're not going to lose who you are because he's not comfortable with mexico. There are tons of places in your own community you could volunteer at if you want to make a difference. 1 day in Mexico isn't going to be life changing for anyone.

  64. She was lying to you and had an affair. Even if you were ok with poly relationship with her friend in these circumstances it's a recipe for disaster. If you validate her cheating, she will feel free to cheat again.

    If you consider getting back with her you should ask your wife to come clean with everything. Explain that since she has cheated and lied to you, you can't really believe any of her words and her fidelity.

    Whether you can be poly sime time in the future is one thing, the fact that she needs to ends her relationship with her friend is another. Keep in mind, I mean entire relationship. You can't trust to be platonic friends with her can you?

    Maybe after a year of proper fidelity you can come back to polyamory question.

  65. Good, you need to tell people, “That's not the case, he's my son from before I was involved with [wife].” It going to be embarrassing for her, but she didn't use a lie that provided you a neat bridge to the truth.

  66. He keeps asking for reasons, so I didn’t know if telling him something more than what I said when I ended it is the right thing to do. But likely not…

  67. Why is she mad? Because you asked her about family therapy? What does she feel needs to be done to make things livable for everyone in your home?

    You've made two suggestions that she isn't interested in (therapy, and doing things to bond with your daughter) and she does none of the parenting so what does she think needs to happen for everyone to be happy? Your daughter to go back to her mothers?

  68. Y'all don't live together so why would you sleep at his or vice versa when you know you had an exam? Simple solution is don't do that anymore.

  69. Well, my job was communications coordinator, so I had to, but that’s a different ball of wax. And yes, I have talked to men in college who harassed me, bc they were friends with my friends and it was easier, but that was before social media was a thing, so I’m out of my realm there. That’s why I said “the rest of the post notwithstanding,” bc there’s a lot of other stuff going on. Personally, I think OP should move on, bc this was a year ago and he’s still bothered, but I’m not him, so idk.

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