Eva_JJlive sex stripping with hd cam


3 thoughts on “Eva_JJlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I was told by Reddit that I was crazy when I brought this up. I got gaslighted into thinking I was insecure, unreasonable and unhinged as I was upset that my boyfriend was doing something that violated the boundaries I set him.

    You have EVERY RIGHT to think this is cheating. I don’t think he will stop instantly as it’s an addiction. In my opinion, leaving the relationship I’ll be the best option as trust can’t be regained afterwards and even your friends will leave a bad taste in your mouth from then on.

    Don’t compare yourself to them and BLOCK THEM ON SOCIAL MEDIA! If you do then you won’t constantly be bombarded by the horrible feelings that arise from these situations every time you see them post. This was one of the most important things that helped me move on from what happened.

  2. It's unclear if she even told him her feelings, though. Like when he said he wouldn't want to wear condoms if she went on the pill, she could have pushed back and said she wasn't comfortable forgoing condoms.

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