Eter-And-rosse online sex chats for YOU!


Eter-And-rosse Public Chat Channel

Date: November 5, 2022

8 thoughts on “Eter-And-rosse online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Philippines: Red flag

    Still in contact with ex: red flag

    Receiving regular gifts: red flag

    Don't know how many more you need

  2. I understand being upset about your behavior and the things you said. I'm a big believer in a drunk person's words are a sober person's truth so if I were him I wouldn't out right buy that you saying you want to make out with other guys came out of nowhere. But that's just me.

    But the calling you names and changing your contact name to dumb bitch is petty and almost seems like he's revelling in the chance to do so. Like he's happy to have the opportunity. Setting a punishment time for you is reminiscent of a parental relationship. Does he have to take care of you often when you get drunk?

  3. What I did not mention was that a big part of me and her hanging out was also just watching TV series and talking about all sorts of stuff. I have been vulnerable with her and she with me. For that reason alone I care so much more about our friendship than for the physical intimacy.

    I know breaking up will also get rid of the friendship. And I ideally I would like to be friends because she IS important to me and I do care for her. She is not just any girl I just have sex with, she also is a close friend I can be vulnerable with. That is why I also feel bad for still being confused about wether I actually like her or not.

    I want to help her and I know breaking up might be the best thing to do. But as a friend of hers the idea truely haunts me especially considering her current situation.

  4. Not being able to have biological children couldn't drastically impact someone's life? I'm just trying to find where the line is drawn. I don't care if someone wants to go through a transition but for the love of God tell someone before you become intimate. Wait to be intimate if you're not ready to tell them

  5. I’m sorry for being vague, I wasn’t sure if there was a word cap. To explain more throughly: After I said it was over, he did the crying and everything similar, but after like a week I started to see a whole new change of attitude. He’ll ask if we could go to a movie or restaurant, just me and him and ofc I would say no. He’ll randomly tell me he loves me just to “let me know” and he’ll say that if I forgive him, he’ll marry me. Basically, he’ll try to shoot his shot and I just can’t find myself to reciprocate. When I tell him I can’t, he’ll say he’ll give me all the time that I need.

  6. First, you want monogamy and that's as valid as her desire for the lack thereof.

    Second, speaking as someone who practices polyamory, that's not how it works. She's offering a situation that very few people would actually want. Does she understand that this hypothetical third person is probably going to be dating other people already? Does she expect someone to move in with you? That's all the complexity of having a roommate but with an added layer of awkward power dynamic.

    If you want to handle this yourself, say no. If you want backup, tell her to post to r/polyamory and we'll shatter her dreams on the subject.

  7. Mickey Mouse is getting the hot action whenever you leave the house. Your bedroom is mostly dead. Have you tried any counseling? Your wife might have a porn addiction.

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