ESTEFA live webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “ESTEFA live webcams for YOU!

  1. Then if he is the dad get the paternity test to prove it, get over yourself and don’t cuddle other guys. Are you really that dumb?

  2. You two have different needs, and they aren't willing to meet you where you're at in the slightest. Your decision is to accept this love or seek out something better: it does exist.

    Sometimes people who love each other are a bad fit. Love on its own isn't enough. There needs to be some adaptability. Your SO has made it clear that they're not adapting, so you can take it or leave it.

  3. Yo I can see why she's upset.

    First of all you ARE condoning cheating, and solely because it's your friend. Because there is never a reason to cheat. You just tried to validate someone co.mitting adultery on someone instead of trying to fix the actual issues present. I would be furious if my husband suddenly okays cheating in anyway.

    Cuz now you've just made it free reign to question your own loyalty.

    Secondly, why would you want to be friends with a cheater? If she fucked over her husband who is to say she won't fuck you over in some way?

    You're being an enabler.

    As for lack of trust….you quite literally just confirmed any small suspicions she may have had. I highly doubt it was even mistrust that made her insist on this, it's quite honestly probably part of her character to not enable that behavior in others, and she expected you to be on her team and agree.

    I find it really interesting how “trust” is the first thing you started worrying about…..does she actually not have a reason to trust you? And that's why this is suddenly incomprehensible and overdramatic of her?

    You smell fishy as fuck.

  4. Your edit sounds a bit unrelated, but just on that basis you should break up with her. Why would you want to be with somebody who doesn't respect you and is constantly making fun of you in front of other people? Wtf?

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