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Erica_queen_live sex stripping with hd cam


37 thoughts on “Erica_queen_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. To me your behaviour is the red flag tbh. Why is it so important for you that he is posting something about you?

  2. Just dump them both. It doesn't sound like you're in a good spot to date if you chose to date someone you know you aren't compatible with and then cheat on them in as little as 6 months.

    If you want to have a relationship with your current boyfriend, you need to tell him the truth. He should be able to decide whether or not he wants to keep seeing someone who cheats.

    As for person B, just say that you cheated, it was wrong, and it's not going to happen again.

  3. He does see the mess. He just doesn't see it as a “problem” that he needs to do anything about it. And if it is a “problem”, it's only a problem for you, and therefore not his concern to deal with or address.

    He knows how you feel about it. He's spent years listening to you tell him. But that doesn't change anything for him. He would still rather not do anything to change and let it continue to be your problem. After so many years of having the same conversation, he's probably bored of it, and thus is changing the narrative. But he doesn't want to change, he wants you to change. He is coming up with new ways to circumvent you trying to change him. He is not actually ever going to address the core issue, which is him.

    Girl, if he wanted to, he would. At this point, you need to leave him. Call it a separation if you want, but find a place to live! for a few weeks, a month, a few months. Tell him that unless you see real, sustained effort on his part to acknowledge that what he is doing is wrong, and to take genuine steps towards fixing it, you will not be coming back. And then you need to stick to it.

    One of two things will happen. You will scare him straight, and he will realize that unless he actually does change, you will leave forever. Or, you will be able to move on with your life and discover the freedom that lies in not being tied to someone who is committed to not being a partner to you.

  4. Getting married and having kids doesn’t fix anything it makes it worse if you don’t see yourself marrying her that’s ok you should be having fun now you’re still young.

  5. Sounds to me like he was a bit of a jerk about it though. Like something wasn't communicated. And his response which has you upset (and his crappy behavior like the Uber comment) is also rude.

    Just my take. Sounds like you two aren't actually talking through this stuff. Just reaction and expectation.

    But, I've only seen what you've shared.

  6. if you understand that, it's pretty shameful to be reinforcing rape culture by blaming a victim for a rapist's potential future actions

  7. Thanks for this, I forgot to reply but it was amazing advice. I got her a sweatshirt with her favorite animal and she loved it!

  8. I fully intend to keep my word and stick to the year. I'm actually terrified that i'll have to do something once the deadline ends. YES, i'm surprised that she's taking the whole year. This was completely unexpected that she'd just sit down and quit on me.

    I'm aware that i have to speak up now (wasn't as much before) but if i have to spend an hour psyching myself up to have a difficult conversation with the person who is supposed to be my #1 supporter then what the fuck do i have?

  9. Hello /u/khsanche89,

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  11. He sounds like someone who doesn't know that humor like that only works if it's something false or wrong. If it's true, there's never any humor possible with it.

    So anyway, you need to validate that you see his concerns, state that you thought the humor was harmless for the reasons above, it affirms the opposite by finding it humorous, but you want him to know you don't think it's worth joking about if he feels it doesn't honor your relationship. And say that you feel that how he feels matters.

  12. He’ll end up passing you around his friends like a party favour.

    Hon, between the age gap and him pushing you to do things you don’t want to do you need to wake up and realise this guy is bad news.

  13. She was formerly bi and is now expressing sudden homophobia. This isn't a case where she isn't progressive. She is clearly having an identity crisis because she very much loves her husband, and ahe very much wants to be loyal to just him, but she finds other people (I assume mostly women) to be attractive. Such a rash change in her outlook on life is likely a result of her grappling with those three facts. She does not need or deserve divorce, she needs and deserves therapy to unlock her sexuality and help her find herself in a healthy way. Merely divorcing her will confirm her hatred for homosexuality as she will blame that for her marriage falling apart, and push her further into crazy religious shit.

    She needs compassion, love, and help. Not isolation, divorce, and dumping.

  14. I'm not aware of how you're supposed to simply “get over” an ongoing, unresolved issue. I assume that you'll be better once you get your car back. Her telling you to “get over it” now is just unempathetic.

    If you haven't expressed it to her already, I think you need to directly address her on the comments she's made towards you and how they're making you feel.

  15. He told her because, although he says he hasn’t done anything to sabotage his marriage, he WANTED to know if she was an option. This alone is a great way set up to sabotage.

    OP, if you really love Jane and can’t imagine your life without her you MUST cut off contact with Daisy. You NEED to focus on your marriage and your wife. If you don’t you are only setting yourself up for a divorce, because your actions so far definitely indicate cheating will happen if you continue.

    Daisy is just as bad, as although they MIGHT not have done anything, she didn’t need to tell a married man anything about possibly liking him. Even if he said he was attracted. Staying in contact will lead to nothing good in relation to your marriage.

  16. I’d possibly add, I believe I heard you tell me something. Not say something, but tell me something. It’s more clear that it seems to be a confession you heard. Then see if he reacts.

  17. She’s spent far too much time on tik tok getting advice from kids half her age. This is clearly some sort of chemical imbalanced mid life crisis

  18. I mean the distinction isn’t really as big as you think it is. Your husband is a lot more than his moustache and you’re not having sex with him because of a facial hair pattern that someone else decided looks stereotypically creepy

  19. Is it possible she's got a brain tumor or something? If this wasn't her personality before and there was a sudden change, it could be medical.

    Regardless, you should probably seek legal counsel and definitely make sure you and the baby are safe. She's not physical yet but if you're no longer going to be her verbal punching bag it wouldn't surprise me if it's going to turn physical.

  20. but it lowkey doesn’t sit okay with me the fact we won’t have sex because I’m on my period.

    Can I ask why? I'm a woman and I totally get it. I don't like to have sex when I'm bleeding a lot either, just grosses me out. If it's a particularly light part of my cycle then I will but otherwise I'm a big naaah.

  21. Sounds like some underlying mental illness. Narcissistic tendencies for sure tho, what with the hardcore emotional manipulation & also parasitic behaviour.

    I’d tell him to stfu and pull his weight, but that’s because I’m totally not involved in the same way you are. But if you do want to keep staying with him, really consider how to express the fact that he actually needs to get serious & seriously involved.

    But honestly, given how young ya’ll are, really consider cutting him out and focusing on yourself as much as you can. Nothing about his behaviour indicates that he’ll be pulling his weight down the line.

    He wants to move out together and not just keep being a parasitic presence in your life? Then he should be looking for work actively, and then once that’s secured he should be working with you actively to figure out a budget & a location which fits it.

    Sorry if i’m coming off strong, but this just hits close to home & in my personal experience if someone doesn’t want to change then like fuck is it worth waiting around to see if circumstances change around them in the hopes that maybe they’ll somehow show personality improvements when life gets better.

  22. You are being used. Demand the money back in text (get her to admit in writing that she owes it), dump her ass, and if she doesn't pay up remind her you have proof of the loan and can happily drag her to small claims court OR she can cough up what she owes

  23. I see that you have heard from him now. My thought when reading this was that it was more likely he was just off having a drunken bender than having actually killed himself. My guess (and I don't know him so many grains of salt here) is that threatening to kill himself is manipulation far more than any actual intent to do that.

    I think the bottom line here is that he is an absolute dick to you and everybody else when he's drunk, but he continues to get drunk on a regular basis. He needs to stop drinking entirely. You should tell him he must choose sobriety or being single. You should not be subjected to this abusive treatment ever again. If I found out that everyone I know couldn't stand how I acted when I was drunk, I would never get drunk again. He either doesn't care or is an acoholic who can't stop and may need to seek treatment for that. But he needs to do it.

    PS: “I know it’s my fault for not ending things.” no, it is actually his fault for being terrible to you, because he is the one choosing to do that. I think you should leave, yes, but you should not blame yourself for his bad choices and horrific asshole behavior.

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