Emmabennet online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 15, 2022

8 thoughts on “Emmabennet online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think I'd sit this one out. There's no reason your husband can't go, it's his family after all. I think you'd enjoy yourself more if you had a week of free time than if you spent it on what was nominally a vacation but was actually an emotional gauntlet with not enough toilets.

  2. THIS is the comment you felt the need to respond to? Not the original comment that actually gave some insight into how your SO is feeling?

    Nice, OP. Real nice.

  3. A few mistakes here. When we left the bedroom I started to play with our baby right away. She stayed in bed. I didn’t get upset about that. When she came out she went right to the kitchen to make coffee and after making coffee she went into the bathroom to go and do her face routine. After she came over to us and asked if I needed to go to the bathroom. I said no but I would like to switch out to brush my teeth. She than made the comment to not take 3 hours to make breakfast.

    (I actually cook and clean as a man) I think you assumed she did the cleaning. I also work too, we both do.

    She typically is breastfeeding or sleeping with the baby, so during that time I clean and cook for us. Not saying I’m helping out at all as it’s a shared responsibility as parents and partners.

    When I mentioned she could go to sleep she actually heard me and did not respond as we talked about it later. It’s actually something we do , if one person is feeling tired and the other has the capacity we let the tired one sleep in and the other holds it down with the baby.

    These aren’t buzzwords, maybe I’m a mental health professional and these are real words that actually are representing what I experienced.

    I mentioned the emotional regression as me holding myself accountable for a behavior that was not healthy. I don’t typically do that, it was in response of stress and frustration of dealing with an issue we’ve talked about for a while now.

    When she put on Ms. Rachel I did mention how she had an attitude correct? That’s not how people communicate anything to anyone. That was unhealthy. I don’t deserve to be talked to as such. That behavior doesn’t warrant a response. If I was level headed I could’ve pointed it out, but I was reactive.

    I definitely see my fault in this , my issue is that she typically can never find fault in her actions or contributions to fights. I do all of the emotional labor. Another buzz word that is actually real.

    I’m sorry if my story might have brought up some unresolved emotions in you.

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