Emma-haze on-line sex chats for YOU!


Hi there, let’s play , ♥ pantiess off @ goal // Tip 2+ to activate lovense [Multi Goal]

Date: October 17, 2022

42 thoughts on “Emma-haze on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes this can be considered cheating. If someone is feeling bad to you, if you’ve noticed your insecurity rise, those are things to talk with your partner about. Those are serious conversations that you can have. To see if they can respect your emotional intelligence at the level it’s at.

    Your boyfriend needs to make you feel secure enough that you know his friends are just friends. And they will never be anything more. If you don’t feel special or comfortable enough to talk with your boyfriend about these things with then what’s the point of trying to build the relationship? You should be able to rely on your partner for security and for talking about your vulnerability. They can make you closer and help you decide if you want to stay with them or not.

    Be up front with eachother. Don’t put your feelings to the side and make sure he feels the concern you feel. This takes alot of emotional stability and maturity to do without losing your way.

  2. former lady here. cannot give a blowjob to save my life :/ tried when i was seeing this one guy, and it just didn’t happen. not for lack of trying either. i tried to learn, read some articles, and really gave it my all each time. ???

  3. You don't. You either use earplugs or you turn on music. It's not as if she's doing this non stop all day long. Everyone has the right to exist, and a few minutes of irritating noise is worth not humiliating her and yourself. We already have society policing our every move and word, so don't add to it by taking away what could be her only bright point of her day

  4. And it WILL change the behavior of the people around the child. I understand your point that biology shouldn’t matter as much as it does but in this society it does. To me the betrayal is doing this without her knowledge and her finding out the way she did. She doesn’t even know if they had actual sex to have this child. Would that be okay with you too? That is a major omission of information and clearly most people agree even if you don’t see it that way.

  5. She feels guilty, cause she treated you terribly the moment she met the new guy. If you two could be friends she can tell herself you have forgiven her – or something like that. My advice: since you are still very vulnerable, you should block her.

  6. He is showing his true nature. Your gut is telling you something’s wrong. Do not settle for him – get out and find someone worthy of you.

  7. I worked until the Day before I have birth. And I had high BP and was induced for pre eclampsia. I don’t get people who quit their jobs like this.

  8. There is absolutely no way you should ever trust him again.

    This isn't poor judgment. This is a full-on way of life. He INTENDED to use you and them. He will not change. He will always put you at risk for your safety and well-being. Your investment into this relationship is absolutely an investment into fiction. That fiction is that you have a boyfriend. And you didn't create the fiction, the asshole you're sleeping with did.

    Why? Because he has low self-esteem. He is cheating because it feeds his ego.

    People like him don't stop cheating. They just get better at hiding it.

  9. Someone looking, with their eyes, at your body is not cheating. Especially since this was not a sexual context. If you were trading sexual nudes with somebody, fine, but that’s not what this is.

  10. Get away from him. He likely goes after younger women because women closer in age to him would see through his bullshit. Men in their 30s love dating women in their 20s because they don’t have as much life experience and so it’s a lot easier to be controlling, they can get them to conform to their ideas, etc.

    Leave now and don’t look back.

  11. I’m starting to see it now. While I think it’s really weird, something about a 41 year old man thinking I’m the sexiest person he’s ever seen, and someone that old just noticing me in general, it’s making my brain continually encourage me into it.

  12. And when you leave him he’ll probably tell his friends you’re a “bleeding heart lib” or something, you’ll see his true colors

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  14. Thank you all for your comments they help a lot. They gray rock tips are interesting. I had somewhat done that before trying to be less codependent and give her space. The result was that she suspected I was cheating or plotting divorce when I didn't overshare my thoughts and feelings. And she has largely done this to me for much of our marriage. I don't think we are bad people, but definitely not good for each other. She has trauma from the past that affects her, and I have them from this marriage. I just have to focus on myself and these two children who are old enough to choose, not that I want to make them choose…

  15. Thank you.

    I hear what you're saying and I understand. I don't want to make them feel bad. I'm just concerned I'm not doing my best to mediate. You think I should have my husband say something after the fact? What if they don't know it's super important to my family? What if my husband told them and they made an effort? I feel like I'm not playing the right hand here with any of the cards I choose.

  16. So you need to talk, it will probably take a while to sort it out, as first she needs to see that she is actually doing these things, then you both will need to work out why, and then work out how to work through it all.

    I suggest starting the conversation asap, but when you don’t have the children.

  17. it's a weird kink but a kink nonetheless. i dont think it's all that healthy either because it leads to situations like this but it's not my sex life or yours either

  18. Because it’s nearly always older men going after younger women. Plus, there’s an inherent power imbalance when the man is the older one that just isn’t as prevalent when the woman is the older one.

  19. If they're claiming that your Bil is the father, it would still show as related/positive to show degree unless either you husband or his brother was adopted. That thought process is really something if that's what they've come up with.

    Just focusing on the son really enhances the misogyny, you only mention the gender of one child so I suppose your other 3 kids are girls?

  20. To play devil’s advocate I wonder if op has done anything to break gf’s trust even if they never cheated and is there a history with this Wanda person? I would not put myself in scenarios like this with someone I had history with if I were seeing someone new personally

  21. U only know 1% of the situation lol and good thing you’re not my boyfriend then, I would probably feel exactly the same as u if this is how u speak to people. U sound emotionally unavailable. I didn’t show 0 interest in his efforts. He texted me and before I responded, because I wanted to keep the peace, I went on here first to vent. What I did was actually mature and healthy and out of love. Just like what he did last night.

  22. Wow. That’s… something. So, your boyfriend is living out the worst nightmare of every horny pervert: having his search history outed online in front of him.

    I think his sketchy behavior speaks volumes about his motivations. He knows he’s done wrong and he’s freaking out because he got caught.

  23. It's not uncommon for people to mature and have a clearer view on their life goals and views around mid and late 20s. Could be they just are not compatible anymore because of opposing views.

  24. I mean, it is a perfectly normal reaction if she views it as cheating, which she has already stated that she does.

    Just because it's normalised doesn't mean it's healthy to hijack your (archaic and powerful) sexual reward system with intense visual stimuli of other people fucking.

  25. And then he stole from you, that's who he is now. He's a literal thief and liar, you should be calling the police and he should be your ex if you have any self respect at all.

  26. I also think if you're in a subgroup you're often physically drawn to others from that group.

    Like besides feeling more comfortable in my skin around like minded I also just find tattoos, piercings, mullets, boots etc attractive af

    I never purposely sought out alternatives but I am just not as attracted to other styles.

    I would also feel weird if my partner rocked fancy clothes while I look like crusty goth. I'd be more worried about meeting their friends and family as well.

  27. IMO its just his culture that pushed that belief on him. He's actively going against his culture by having lgbt friends.

    Give him time he might change he's very young

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