Emily-Joness1 live webcams for YOU!


Emily-Joness1 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 11, 2022

39 thoughts on “Emily-Joness1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm making arrangements today to move out. I am just in a terrible situation. I'm a full time student and he pays my tuition. We have 3 cats together that I can't and won't give up .. I'm hoping my parents can take me in. But I don't know how my cats will do in their house. I'm sure I can make it work but God I just have a lot on my plate right now and I have finals next week on top of all this.

    I just wonder if this was meant to happen and he was meant to show me his true colors last night

  2. Okay I have to admit it’s a bit weird that you found out about him so late. Have you asked her why? I mean there could be reasons.

    I don’t get why people jump to those conclusions so quickly. Seriously, apart from not mentioning him right away I don’t see a single problem here. They’re friends, so why wouldn’t they text. What do you mean by saying he still feels the urge to message her? That’s what friends do, what’s wrong with that.

    Asp what do you mean by they went on dates? Like they were sexually involved with each other or they hung out and did stuff that could be typically seen as dates like go out for dinner?

    But I think you need to seriously have a conversation with her. Ask her more, express you insecurity and see how she reacts and what she tells you about their relationship. And the fact that you don’t try to be friends with women it your decision, if it wasn’t something you both agreed on it is completely irrelevant to the story.

  3. You're eager to love.

    What you just talked about was something I actually had to correct myself. I was coming in too nude, having the opposite affect of what I wanted.

    What I have learnt, is to create the most lightest, inviting environment as possible. Your connection is an infant in the early stages, treat it as such. It needs to grow naturally. When it matures, then you introduce more heavier dynamics and see if you can both fit in them.

    You should be capable of giving it your all in a relationship. But it's critical to know when to turn on certain switches in the early stages.

    Don't worry about it dude. You had her as a date, you will have another. This one wasn't going to work out as she told you she wasn't ready for a relationship.

    In the meantime, try to find these little things you could self-improve on. Its good practice for when you do land a reletionship.

  4. My kids are 17 and 14 and they get driven to school. It’s fairly common to be driven to school. University/college is a different thing though. Most kids either drive themselves, on-line on campus or take public transport. The wealthier ones will sometimes get driven but not by the parents. The only ones I’ve seen driven by parents are the really sheltered ones or those with controlling parents. But really, every family is different and there is no right or wrong. Since you work, maybe you could pay your dad’s gas for driving you to school and back.

  5. She’s pretty much asking for permission to cheat. She wants this guy, she’s not opening up the marriage to have sex with lots of others, this one guy. Dude, you’re monogamous. You didn’t sing up for open. Open is difficult when there’s no trust. Don’t accept this. It’s not going to work. I’m sorry OP, I wouldn’t stay with my wife. She wants this other man.

  6. I don’t blame him one bit! How would you feel if you came home and found him cuddling another female while she was only in a towel. He has every right to feel the way he feels. I would question how you think “cuddling” with any person while they’re in a towel is ok while your in a relationship.

  7. Here's the thing: I am guessing that 90% of Redditor stories on this subject end up with the partner who was not agreeable to the open marriage deciding to take one for the team and ending up finding some great hook-ups or an even better partner while the one who suggested it endsup striking out. Then the partner who struck out tries to change the agreement. I find it hilarious every time.

  8. He's letting you know that it's casual for now. That doesn't mean it can't evolve into something serious later.

  9. I always say if a situation was reversed how would you feel. So say your husband has a female coworker and they become friends. They text everyday, go shopping together, she is over at your house without you there, you come home and she is wearing your husband's sweatshirt how would you feel? Both of your spouses have said it makes them uncomfortable so you both should respect your spouses. Relationships aren't only about you and your feelings. You and Chris need to sit down and talk to your spouses and respect their feelings. And not as a group of 4. One on one talks with your spouses because I can almost guarantee that Chris's wife might not feel comfortable enough to be honest with you and your husband there.

  10. Sex isn’t everything, idk man, it seems like fellas between ages of 18-25 seem to have a hot time with the no sex for any amount of time.

    Her Gina ain’t goin anywhere man, relax lol

    You need to find a man and not a boy, boy flipped out over 3 weeks of no sex…. Lmao he bout to have many more weeks of no sex when she leaves.

  11. Your daughters autism and sensitivities do not give her the right to be mean to anyone. She is an adult and needs to improve her behavior.

  12. There could be lot of reason why it effected him, but none are your fault. People who have never experienced abuse don’t fully understand it. They tend to think about how “they would never allow that” bc they’ve never been there. That’s why people tend to judge people who have been as weak willed, bad judge of character, always going back, etc. bc they don’t understand. So if any of these things came to his mind it’s because of his lack of understanding and not bc you were honest.

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  14. dynamic having all my 20-22 year old friends and then just my 34 year old boyfriend there- there’s nothing they have in common and I don’t want to make the celebration awkward.

    Given that 20-22 year olds have nothing in common with a 34 year old why are you dating this person?

  15. No, I mean she's more agreeable and less damaged by bad relationships.

    There are of course some men who do it for control reasons, but that's not the majority.

  16. I imagine things are different there. It’s probably easier not being attached at the hip when you have appropriate social support for parents and a completely different culture around work and drinking

  17. Separate and file for divorce and flat out tell him WE'RE DONE! , he IMO is going to cheat regardless. Make it a point to tell him that you are happy to divorce him and find your type of man because he never was. Set the douchebag free

  18. I think you should mind your own business.

    All this talk about his poor fiancée, her poor mother, your poor mother. Sounds more like you'd be interfering more for your own purposes…pretend your care and you're rescuing this other woman from the cheater; helps alleviate some of your guilt. Reality is he chose her over you, though he's no prize.

    Let it be and move on.

  19. Enjoying sports is NOT an excuse to act like an abusive fucking man-baby throwing a tantrum. Nor is it an excuse to put all the responsibilities on you. I dated a guy who acted like this over basketball games and I told myself I would NEVER entertain that shit again. Now my current partner and I say “go sports” and laugh at people who act like your fiancé. Lol

  20. Its not that you “most likely” got played. You got played, period. No pun intended.

    I've read your comments. You were trying to juno through hoops to look for an impossible alternative when the reality is as crystal clear as can be.

    She cheated. Now you've got to deal with that.

  21. Again today I must ask, how old are you people? List of guys she slept with? This is some childish nonsense.

  22. Again today I must ask, how old are you people? List of guys she slept with? This is some childish nonsense.

  23. we were talking about what we did the whole day and he told me this. i think we communicate openly about things

  24. If I'm being brutally honest, keep on looking. You can't force attraction at all. There's so many people out there for you. People might say you're “vain”, but looks and attraction play huge roles in relationships. We are human and we go based off what we are attracted to, doesn't mean that person is not attractive, they just aren't attractive to you. You don't want to regret your decision of staying In the long run just because she likes you

  25. I care about my gf's feeling, why shouldn't I? Of course I''m attracted, we are friends and she's straditionally pretty, can't help it. I've never admitted this, though, not planning to add this to my gf's plate. Can't girl and boy just be friends?

    So what, you are proposing to just don't care about gf's emotional state?

  26. I agree, but I don't know how to approach the conversation. It's clearly a place of insecurity, but I feel like I can't just tell him he's insecure and expect him to fix that.

    I've been trying to encourage him to go to therapy for a while now, but he doesn't have great insurance and spends his money on unnecessary things (I wouldn't go so far as to call him financially irresponsible, but it's annoying when he says he can't afford therapy but he can spend $200 on plants in a weekend). He can choose what to spend his money on, but it's like, dude, a therapist would help fix your shit so much better than retail therapy

  27. I'm sorry you're having a hot time, then it sounds like he was ready to move on. It doesn't mean he didn't care about you, but he wasn't in love with you. You deserve to be with someone who is totally in love with you. It's okay to be sad but take like a week or two and then go find your own new normal and happiness.

  28. This isn’t going to end the way you want it to.

    Does the AP’s wife know about the cheating?

  29. Heart of gold or zero self esteem? I’d be the later. Even kind hearted people have self respect.

  30. I came here for help and received hate and negativity. I feel even worse now and I only want to do the right thing. Wtf

  31. Your values don’t align. He wants to be with someone who disrespects you. What kind of partner does that? A bad one.

    You love him, but he sounds like a bad dude.

    Don’t try to be the cool girlfriend to keep your boyfriend. You clearly dislike the idea and dislike the ex. This will eat you alive if you stay. He’s already telling you to your face you’re not good enough for him and you’re thinking about staying.

  32. You can’t really trust that she found out she was pregnant literally 3 weeks after having sex. My timeline for my pregnancy is similar to the one she is making up. Just to put it into perspective for you, I have had 4 OB appointments, 3 ultrasounds, and 3 blood draws. She was never pregnant.

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