EllieRouse on-line sex chats for YOU!


EllieRouse Public Chat Channel

Date: October 20, 2022

6 thoughts on “EllieRouse on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’m gonna push back gently on some of the “dump him immediately” posts. In no way are you responsible for his behavior or feelings. If you are invested in this relationship it may be worth having a deeper in person conversation about this. It sounds very similar to some people’s behavior when they are triggered. Maybe he’s just a shallow dick, but it’s possible he has some unprocessed crap that he needs to work out. Either way you’re under no obligation to be a punching bag, either literal or metaphorical, while he does that. And either way he should be doing the work with the help of a professional.

  2. Huh? Didn't have to be isolated. More excuses for wife.

    “Hey, pervy Percy wants to take some photos of me. You cool with that?”

    “Not at all.”

    “Okay. Hey Percy, the answer is no.”

  3. He could very easily just shower regularly and not have to have the conversation with you at all ??‍♀️

  4. Usually when ppl make a cheating accusation it means they are the one doing some type of cheating. The fact he’s live gaming while you’re attending to your hobbies is giving him time to make connections with someone else. I would check that first, bc with him being so insecure, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s looking for external validation.

    If this is the case, it isn’t your fault Ava you shouldn’t have to use yourself as kindling to keep this marriage alive. He needs to get over the jealousy. You need to call him out on it blatantly.

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