Elinocean online sex cams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Elinocean online sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like your girlfriend may be exhibiting abusive behavior towards you. Yelling at you, hitting you, and ignoring you are all forms of emotional abuse. Additionally, accusing you of cheating without evidence is a form of gaslighting, which is a tactic often used by abusers to manipulate and control their victims.

    It is important to remember that you do not have to tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone, including your girlfriend. No one deserves to be treated badly, and it is not your fault if your girlfriend is behaving in this way.

    If you want to try to confront your girlfriend about her behavior, it is important to do so in a safe and controlled environment. Choose a time when you are both calm and not likely to be interrupted. Be honest and direct about how her behavior has made you feel, and let her know that this kind of behavior is not acceptable to you. It may be helpful to suggest couples therapy or relationship counseling as a way to address these issues and improve your relationship.

    However, if your girlfriend continues to behave in an abusive way, it may be best to seek support from friends, family, or a counselor and consider ending the relationship. No matter what you decide to do, remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness in your relationships.

  2. Hello /u/throawayriver,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. You already know what you need to do. Break up for good this time. Both of you will be better off in the long run. This guy isn't it for you.

    he makes me feel loved and cared for. he makes me feel important and like I might just matter to someone, even if it is only temporary. and I just want to love him. I want to have someone to give my love to.

    It feels good to be loved. You're addicted to it and afraid you won't find it somewhere else. But there are so many other people out there, honey. You want to love AND be loved, so find someone you can love back.

  4. You're definitely right, and I've tried expressing my feelings so many times but he would just choose to ignore them, and for some reason it ends up becoming my fault for getting hurt for what he did.

  5. If you want support and methods to handle this past trauma, go to a therapist. If you see it affecting your life in other ways, go to a therapist. If you’re struggling to move on with your life, go to a therapist.

  6. My friend has had a DUI. None of our other friends had one nor do they drive after drinking. I don’t agree with driving under the influence and we’re still friends. That doesn’t mean I drink and drive or am more likely to than someone who has no friends with a DUI lmao what world do some of you live in where things are always black and white?

  7. Does she do that now? Does she get in the middle of you guys. That would certainly be my boundary. If they just like each other and spend time together and she buys him a shirt every once a while, I would leave it alone.

    But if she’s interfering in your relationship, then you’re gonna have to sit down with him and set boundaries. It’s interesting that it’s coming up right as you’re getting ready to move in. I suspect it’s been going on the whole time. So maybe you’re having cold feet about moving in and that’s the real problem .

    You don’t have to move in with them until you’re ready or until you feel like you can navigate the mother-in-law. You can still date him and love him and see if emerges at some point because sometimes over a long period of time these things work themselves out.

  8. Don’t do it and reconsider this relationship. I’m seeing quite a few red flags here. She repeatedly pushed for something you weren’t comfortable with. She refused your parameters. She refused your request for something similar. You’re both young – time to experience some other people. You can always go back together after you have some new experiences.

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