ElenaGriffin on-line sex chats for YOU!


8 thoughts on “ElenaGriffin on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s perfectly fine to not want to date somebody that does hot drugs and lies to you about it. I’m in agreement, I would break up then and there. And then I’d date somebody around my own age.

  2. Honestly dude? Doesn't sound like a real loss here. Videos on YouTube could not be any worse than legit porn.

    Get rid of the guy

  3. OP says that the cheating thing isn’t the first time it’s happened in that last little paragraph. The boss thing was a separate occasion meaning there was more than one tryst

  4. You’re feeling shitty because you know you put yourself in this situation. And can you really keep your job (or will you even want to) if he decides he’s had his fun and now wants to be with someone who isn’t a subordinate?

    Sure you can tell him. Will it change anything, or just make him start to worry you’re becoming a problem? Would he risk his job to make you happy? I don’t know this situation, but those are the things you’re going to have to consider.

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