Elena Linton- https://peach.com/elena_li the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Elena Linton- https://peach.com/elena_li, 19 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Elena Linton- https://peach.com/elena_li

Elena Linton- https://peach.com/elena_li live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

34 thoughts on “Elena Linton- https://peach.com/elena_li the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Would him regretting it really change anything? It might give you a momentary fleeting feeling of satisfaction, but your situation would be the same and so would his. One of the first things my therapist told me post-divorce was to stop spending mental energy on my ex-wife waiting for her to “get it” or accept her share of the blame for our split. It was never going to happen and, even if it did, it wouldn't change anything.

    It sounds like your former partner isn't done growing up or experiencing the wild side of life yet. I doubt he will end up with the IG influencer, but he wants the trophy on his arm and to say he lived that type of life for now.

    You sound more grounded, so you need to go find someone who is done with the party days and ready to build a life together. Don't get me wrong, I understand why this is frustrating, but it's best if you try to focus the positives out of the situation, rather than the negatives.

    Even if this guy didn't give you the partnership you were looking for, these experiences helped you refine in your mind what you want from a future, better partner. After you unload your baggage, you will also be a better version of yourself. We grow from our life experiences. Think of your former partner as the “starter husband”.

    Life isn't competition. You don't have to get to the finish line first, you just have to run your best race over time. You may take a few side roads here and there, but eventually you will get back on your main path and find your way.

  2. Nowhere is there any reason to believe he's continuously had worms, nor that he knew he had them (OP is wrong to day he should have known). OP says he's had them before; that's a short term thing (you get the meds and kill them), not an ongoing infection.

  3. Tell her she can leave and you stay with the kids.

    If you leave, you are in a VERY bad position for a divorce because it would look like you abandoned your kids + house. That means she has a good set up for keeping the marital home and custody of the kids. She cannot evict you, because your home is a marital residence. But she can tell you to leave and then serve you with divorce.

    You need to consult a lawyer because all of this is suspicious. Just tell her she can leave and you take the house and kids. Then serve her with a divorce once she has been out of the house long enough.

  4. Fair enough. I don't really have any lofty expectations here (despite what some commenters seem to think). I would be happy with literally any effort in that direction. Anything to show he cared.

  5. My opinion is your friend is open to the idea of you being friends with “other woman ” to get to your BF and if your friends with her you won't care if he hangs out with her because your friends and you won't suspect any cheating. It's just a ploy to get them back together and you getting dumped or you catching them cheating so you dump him. Either way you will lose and “other women ” gets her man back.

  6. You don't need to hear him out. You just need to block him. Of course you feel like he was your soulmate, philandering men are usually charming and want you to feel like that. The thing is, he probably told her that once up on a time, too. Even if he does leave her, eventually, she's already told you that she knows about other affairs. Do you really want a man that has such little respect for you that he goes live! to find other “soulmates”?

  7. The title was more to shorten the point. I know the dog isn't the issue per say, but his attachment to the dog is the issue but i feel like a horrible person for saying that. I'm not jealous by any means, it just seems so extreme to me.

  8. Yeah, idk where the OP lives but in my country you can file a police report for that kind of thing. It counts as an injury. It's totally assault!

  9. People in this thread talking about him being baby trapped like this mf didn’t just willingly bust a nut inside her on his own free will smfh

  10. When we get take out say Chinese or Indian he always asks them to make his food extra extra extra spicy like he’ll literally ask them to put raw chopped green chillies in the food which is whatever. I just felt embarrassed because he expected the chef at a fine dining Michelin star restaurant to do the same.

  11. OPs GF strikes me as the kind of person who grew up very sheltered and has never had to face or witness difficult decisions around caring for someone and the day to day scenarios that entails.

    Reminds me of a girl I went to highschool with who refused to do CPR because it's “yucky” despite the fact it can and does literally save lives.

  12. In her mind blowing ignorant jealousy she has accused you of incestuous rape of your disabled sister. That's insane. If she can ever think that about you your relationship is over, and it was never what you though it was in the first place. She is either a horrible piece of shit or she thinks you are. Either way, cut her out of your life like a cancer, because she is.

    If someone accused me of something like this they would be dead to me.

    You took care of a disabled family member, that's something you should be praised for. Instead you're accused of incestuous sexual assault/rape. Did your hopefully soon to be ex girlfriend want you to let her stay in soiled diapers?

    Go scorched earth on that absolutely horrible monster.

  13. If there are no policies preventing it, neither of you is each other's supervisor, and you don't work closely together on a regular basis, I think you can give it a go if you want to. Yes, dating a coworker has its risks, and it makes sense to be mindful of those risks. But considering how much time people spend at work and the fact that not everyone is involved in activities outside of work that lead to meeting new people (or has time for them) and not everyone wants to do dating apps, sometimes work is the only place where people see other people enough to get to know them well enough to want to date them. If you do decide to ask her out, be gracious regardless of her answer. Don't bring it up again if she says no. It might feel awkward at first, but it doesn't have to stay awkward.

  14. Tolerance is a virtue, just not when it’s part of enabling behaviors you don’t want to reinforce. In that case, you hold your ground and save the tolerance for helping her work through her obvious insecurities.

  15. Dude you got swindled. She kept saying maybe maybe cause she didn't want to say no and lose you. Now she has you locked up and this IUD thing has been keeping her safe, she can just get 1 more and bam no kids! While you're stuck on a 10% maybe like a LOSER. You'll regret it for the rest of your life and all the what ifs and you'll resent her. If you divorce welcome to the real world where you'll probably get fucked over anyways. Unless you can happily convince her that a baby is the best thing that could ever happen to her, you're fucked.

  16. I feel very sorry this man. You are saddling with him with someone who is not that into him when he deserves someone who wants him. You presumably are just putting him off because of your refusal to have sex before marriage and aren't being honest with him that you don't actually want to be with him. The fact you aren't sleeping with him now…like ok, he agreed to it. But you are using it to conceal that you aren't attracted to him. You're very selfish and cruel.

  17. A lot of comments are indeed making strong accusations but the sentiment isn't wrong. The OP is being selfish and their behavior is white Savior is at its worst. On top of that, she's demonstrating a horrible mindset and value system to serve in a partnership like marriage. She's quite flippant and dismissive of her partner's concerns and is not at all answering any questions that reference the problematic nature of this “visit”.

  18. Definitely not. I woke up feeling crap .. lol. There is a lot more context here but I think the bigger point is I need to let go of thinking he is controlling me and I need to hear more. I do feel terrible. I just don’t want to really ask for permission as I’ve had to do that in the past so it triggered me. There is a lot of learnings here.

  19. Wow, there’s a lot to unpack here! You put in all the effort, and he reaps the rewards? But he will call you out for not putting enough effort into things that are important to him. But what does he do for the things that are important to you? You see where I’m going with this….

    Ultimately, it has to be what you want. If you continue on this way, what will your life be in 3 years? 5? I shudder to think…..

    Good luck on whatever you choose! I hope you choose yourself!

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