Eemmaaa-x on-line sex chats for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Eemmaaa-x on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. First get tested for std’s asap. And also, you kinda lucked out because imagine if you spent 10+ years married to her and she did the same thing. You didn’t waste more years on a cheating spouse.

  2. This is good advice. I might also consider making a pact that, for at least a few weeks, you don’t talk about the issues outside of the counseling. Just be a “couple” and do pleasant activities. Let the therapist direct your conversations about the big stuff so no car incidents happen again.

  3. If you have a gut feeling, I doubt it’ll go away. And usually asking a partner to choose between you and a friend almost never works out well. You haven’t invested too much time into the relationship. I personally would cut my losses and move on. You don’t deserve to be put in this position in the first place.

  4. Congratulations!! And thank you, I think my averseness to this made me realise a) this is something that clearly matters to me and b) I shouldn't ever have doubts about if I am settling, especially 2 weeks in.

  5. That is not an oppsie that is a major fuck up.

    While his attitude was not helpful, you are an idiot.

    For nearly 2 years you have been paying money you should not have had to pay.

    You still have not actually had it fixed, so for all you know you will have the payment go out this month/next month as well.

    I would not be surprised if you don’t receive all your money back, as they will likely charge you fees etc per payment and they won’t refund those for your mistake.

    As for why he’s pissed – you wasted a large amount of money…. Here he is thinking about a long term relationship with you, and now he knows he can’t trust you with money.

  6. She is not your problem.

    She has not been appreciative of the help she received, and is not willing to accept more help now.

    So cut her from your life.

  7. What would happen if he gave his father the choice of either paying for his studies and have his son become a doctor, which has to be highly respected and earn a decent income, or not paying for his studies and losing his only son, who will be forced to take on a low earning blue collar job and will disown him?

    Would the father really risk losing his bragging rights of “my son, the doctor” – and losing the son altogether? Or would he fold? I really can't guess in the least how Indian parents would react to opposition – double down, or accept defeat. But no sane father would prefer his son to become a manual laborer instead of a doctor.

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