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8 thoughts on “Edelweiss8888live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Oh my god! Yes, you are so right. I am so sorry you had to deal with similar things, and so happy that you seem to have found yourself and your ground. You seem like a badass.

    To be honest, I did not even look for a relationship (I broke up with my ex about 7 months ago) when I started dating this guy. I simply fell for him too fast (which was maybe a consequence of a lot of unprocessed emotions from previous bs). I should probably cut my losses and focus on myself.

    I still feel tempted to see him though. That is the struggle. He lives in a different city (about two hours with train from me), and I go there a lot for work. I am weak, and know I will likely be texting him and ask if I can stay the night whenever I'm there. I mean, should I on-line in a hotel when I can have my heart broken for free in his 80 cm bed, IN THIS ECONOMY?

  2. Girl no. Just no. You can’t marry this guy. He’s not interested in the relationship. He’s sure as heck not interested in you. You’re doing all the work because he absolutely does not want to marry you. Hand back the ring if he even got you one and tell him that you’re exhausted and walking away. You have nothing more to invest. He is a bad investment. You lost out on 15 years of your life chasing a man who never prioritised you. He treats you poorly because you let him. Therapy for yourself and being completely open and honest with your therapist about your anxious attachment to this man. You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. Save yourself and get out.

  3. There’s a chance it may not have been a genuine ‘climax’, like not a sexually related one at least. It’s called an Emotional Release, some people cry or laugh or something it sounds like that is just what happened to her, and that’s simply where the tension released. -signed an LMT

  4. Or, alternatively, shift from a “saving” mindset to a place of healthier boundaries earlier on. If it's a good friendship (as in, the connection is meaningful and the friends respect one another), it's possible to recognize that you can't “save” or “fix” someone, but can sit beside them in the darkness when you have the capacity, and enjoy the happier parts of the friendship together when they arise as well. Every situation will be different — I'm not suggesting to stick around someone who treats you badly! But just that healthy boundaries earlier on can often help keep resentment out of the picture, if the resentment is specifically related to not being able to “save” the person

  5. She said she's never socialised with them before anyway because she's introverted. I didn't think she shouldn't see him, but she said the other friends were supportive, she could just have taken the high road and if he was that awful people would stop hanging out with him. She didn't give anyone the opportunity before basically going nuclear.

  6. Giving or receiving oral? It’s possible he’d be able to w down with whatever you like, but it’s impossible to know without talking with him. Figuring out sexual compatibility should be a priority before marriage is on the table.

  7. This is like verbatim what I said to him. Don’t know how someone could be so dense to think harassing/catcalling = flirting that women like to receive. So frustrating.

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