E V A on-line sex chats for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 100 to join the show

Date: November 21, 2022

8 thoughts on “E V A on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wouldn’t do it. What you did sucked but sucked in proportion to your age and how much you still had to learn. On the other hand, she is still with this man. It is absolutely possible that he has grown up, all is well and the three of you will have a good laugh. It is also possible that things are as abusive as ever and you’ll set of something bad. My advice is to reignite the friendship and see what’s going on before you bring up how abusive you thought her man was in high-school.

  2. Honestly, I don’t think someone who cheats on you can be described as being a “good boyfriend”, regardless of how nice they might be when they’re not actively cheating.

    My first piece of advice to you would be to go get yourself tested, if he’s been cheating and sleeping with sex workers there is a high level of risk there. That would be my first step. My other advice would be to leave. You deserve so much more than someone who repeatedly cheats on you.

    Leaving can be hard. But, remaining in something like this? You will definitely be wanted again, hopefully by someone who won’t behave as disgustingly as he is. Is therapy an option for you? Do you both live together?

  3. It is because men are tired of getting played. This is a major red flag in a relationship. Your best friend would smash you in a heartbeat if you let him stop the cap.

  4. Idk, there’s some awesome teenagers out there fighting for a better world who are politically aware and put in the work to learn about what’s going on around them. This sub should be called awfulpeoplejudgingothersdespitenotknowingshitabouttheworld or awjodnksatw for short lol

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