E L L A A online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

13 thoughts on “E L L A A online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Like, if his mother calls and says “Come home immediately!” with no explanation he literally drops everything and drives an hour to the parent's house just to find out she needs some help with WiFi or wants him to take her to the grocery store. He always answers when they call, doesn't matter if he's driving (no hands-free set in his car) or we having sex. God forbid he'd miss a call, they gonna chew on him for hours.

    This part here is where I would feel like there isn't going to be any changing, honestly. Some people never learned how to take care of themselves, or their home, though at 29 you would think he'd figure it out. But this kind of a relationship with mom? The only thing that's going to change about it, is that it will become worse.

    Listen to you mom…nope out of that.

  2. Also what about outside of being intimate? Do you hug and kiss her without trying to initiate? Every time you touch her do you touch her boobs/bum?

    My fiancé used to do this and it made me feel like a sex doll, had an honest conversation and he thought that was showing affection and attraction where I didn’t, so we’ve reached a happy medium.

  3. It's odd because often people don't actually change their whole value system that quickly and usually come up with reasons why their relationship is different. That she's made such a comprehensive change in her stance so quickly makes me wonder how much her bf is in her ear.

  4. Wow, that is some grade A projection by your husband and friend.

    Your husband & friend know that the change in your marital relationship happened the INSTANT they confessed their physical attraction, and the desire to consummate that attraction with your permission.

    Rather than accept their culpability in this situation, they are blaming you, because they lack all respect for you, and they're trying to convince you that the failure of the marriage is your fault. This might be a pretext to some custody battle or divorce proceeding where they intend to say that, because you encouraged this adultery, they didn't really do anything wrong and it shouldn't reflect on your husband's fitness as a father, etc.

    Stop buying their bullshit. They cheated, you only complied out of fear and despair. They know this. Remind them.

  5. You can drop his name into everything remotely to do with your life as a married couple. Things such as “I wonder what X would think of this, maybe you should ask him?” or “do you know if X likes this tv show?”. Make it painfully obvious to her that you know something is going on and that you won't be dropping him from any conversations anytime soon.

    That's a real roll of the dice. It might spook her into telling on herself, but it might also push her to work harder at hiding the affair.

  6. The friend is the one intentionally and deliberately misgendering him.

    T is forcing your boyfriend to identify as they/them, when your boyfriend actually identifies as he/they.

    Ask T why they’re intent on forcing a gender identity onto your boyfriend. Are they a transgender purist, not believing anyone’s identity unless they go all the way?

  7. you can't help stupid….I'm not saying parents can't do things by themselves or have weekends away. I'm saying that as the step parent, if you're serious with someone, you can't expect them to give you a full weekend away by yourself. How people do not understand this, I'll never know and to attack my relationship because of it it ridiculous!

  8. don't waste another year of your life

    That is exactly what I'm afraid of. I just want to be happy. And I thought we were happy. Now I just feel trapped and miserable. But I also still love him and don't just want to give up something that was a good thing for so many years

  9. Keep up like this mate and she won’t be. She’ll get tired of you BS see that her life would probably be easier without you and kick you to the curb.

    Women will only shoulder dead weight for awhile. She out earns you, works, goes to school full time AND has recently been diagnosed with medical issues…AND YOU STILL EXPECT HER TO DO THE MAJORITY OF THE DOMESTIC DUTIES?!?!?!

    Boy leave this woman’s life alone and let her find a grown ass man who’ll actually help her and better her life.

    She’s burnt out and your only making it worse.

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