Dude42069 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Dude42069, 36 y.o.

Location: Detroit, MI

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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Dude42069

Dude42069 online sex chat

Date: November 6, 2022

5 thoughts on “Dude42069 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you think you have justification to snoop, then you have justification to talk to your partner

    If you can’t talk to your partner, why are you even with them?

  2. Break up with this girl. Jesus Christ she’s trying to force you to give up your reproductive right. DO NOT Get a vasectomy at 20!!!!!

    This girl is horribly selfish. You haven’t even been together long. You may find and amazing women down the road and what if she wants kids??

  3. Why can't you just use your hand? You're really going to break her heart, she is more than likely saying yes because she feels inadequate and that she has no other choice to keep you, but honestly this isn't fair at all on her. It's not her fault she's got health issues, and it's so one sided I don't see it working out.

  4. I have talked to him multiple times. So many times. It will get better for like a few months and then go back to them not telling me they are together, that he is over her house or just telling me at the last minute that they are going out to lunch or something, not giving me time to arrange plans to be there with my work. I was thinking about counseling on the way to the bar. I love him so much and I know he loves me, it's just this one issue with this one person. He is my best friend. I want to feel like I'm his best friend too. I 110% no it's not sexual, and in some way I just feel like it's wrong for me to be upset about it… But I am.

  5. “I don't remember” famous words from every cheater ever.

    IMO and life experience, alcohol does not change a person's inclinations, it reveals them. GF is okay with getting up inappropriate with random whenever drinks? Yeah, she'll do that sober.

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