Donika on-line webcams for YOU!


AMAZING PUSSY PLAY [221 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

5 thoughts on “Donika on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Don't get back together with her the fact that she would sexualize something like caregivers which you clearly explained what that meant shows that she's 1 emotionally dumb as fuck even a rock is smarter then her lol amd the biggest one 2 she's a fucking creep that's so gross of her and honestly I'm surprised you even dated her in the first place makes me wonder if she watches some effed up porn or something I just can't get over how she sexualizes something that isn't meant to be sexual ! Anyways to say you dogged a bullet is a understatement.

  2. My now ex was an alcoholic. The last 2 years before I finally got clean took a real toll on me and I started resenting him more and more (talking to an alcoholic is useless). I hit rock bottom before he did and gave him an ultimatum and he did actually clean. But the resentment ran deep and him goign to rehab made matters worse. I never got past that feeling even though our moron marriage counselor told us we'd been given a nee opportunity for our life together and I should fake it until we make it. I would almost get physically ill beign around my ex.

    It is really hot going back to liking someone when they 1) they treat you like crap and 2) and you resent them.

    I honestly don't even think it's worth sticking around unless she willing to get evaluated medically and mentally. She sounds horrible. Mayeb she needs to get a job and get her out of the house and do something productive and be among other adults. Doesn't sound like she's doing much at home since kiddo is in daycare.

    I'd divorce her. I can guarantee you will feel like a ginormous weight has lifted off your shoulder. This is incredibly toxic environment for your kid to grow up in as well. You owe your kid a better family unit if that's only you and kiddo. As for full custody, who know she may not even fight it….

  3. What he’s saying is not biologically accurate. There is nothing you need to do to fix anything, but he needs to come to terms with the fact that he appears to have decreased sensation in his penis and learn not to shame others into putting up with his unaddressed problems. And he needs to learn some basic biology.

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