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8 thoughts on “DollyDysonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Proud of you for vocalizing your own boundary and need for distance at this time. It is 100% up to you if you ever want to talk to her about any of this. Ghosting her, and then serving papers is also completely okay.

  2. Ok so he didn’t need any details. So I’d say he’s down to meet up. You should manage your expectations tho. It’s a casual thing and he’s going to act as such.

  3. Wow, that's highly inappropriate and unhealthy for all of you.

    Your baby is putting in the effort (burning calories) to obtain food, but your spouse is unable to produce food. So your child is going to be expending twice as much effort to obtain food and only receiving what they get from you. Additionally, some babies go “on strike” with breastfeeding- could be long term or short term, but it's a problem you may prefer to avoid- so don't introduce inoperable food sources.

  4. Not knowing how to handle it doesn't translate to joining your friend in shit-talking your SO. Some frustration is one thing (though your SO being sick isn't in their control), but validating that frustration through shit-talking your SO with your friend is another, and it's unacceptable.

  5. I’m on side tell him but that’s bc the second you file p1 has the opportunity to turn the story around to save her own ass (ie saying the divorce is bc you cheated and you are trying to hurt the people helping your wife)

  6. Yeah the supposed onus is on her to say well no I don’t want them, even though OP hasn’t done shit

  7. in the future, do NOT do this, this is so cruel. my past partners have all broken up with me this way and it made it so much worse for me.

    by thinking about it for months and not including her in your thoughts and feelings, communicating your issues you have ALREADY blindsided her. now you get the benefit of already having moved on while she suddenly gets hit with the information that you haven't been happy all this time.

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