DIONE-MONTECARLO on-line sex cams for YOU!


i love sexy dione [550 tokens remaining]

Date: November 16, 2022

52 thoughts on “DIONE-MONTECARLO on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. No, you don't trust her. You simply considering staying with her despiye the fact she is flirting with other men and probably getting boned by them. It's your life tho, suffer as much as you please.

  2. yes girl. you deserve so much better than that and you’ll find someone who will give you the world. screw him

  3. Sounds like you are in pre-school. Pretty soon you are going to have to ask for permission to do anything.

  4. There aren't any magic words you can say to make him stop. He enjoys putting you down. He wants you to be insecure and feel unlovable so that you accept his abuse and don't leave him.


  5. Do you not have kids? You barely get a break! So any chance you get to take a break like the most valuable piece of time. Plus have you seen a toddler watching tv? They don’t sit still the run around and interact with the television. Her being in the same room as the toddler is smart. “But she looks at her phone”… ok and? Do you mean to tell me that you don’t look at your phone every once in a while at work or when someone is talking? Oh the horror. I mean look at you on Reddit thinking a woman DARING to take a little bit of time for herself during her child’s tv time makes her horrible. Good Lord she may be a SAHP but she is still a human being that is allowed to have allotted time each day to look at her damned phone while also keeping an eye on her child during tv time. Man oh man. ?

  6. Aw just glad to lend support ❤️ I’ve been there, including a gut-wrenching breakup around the holidays. It can be so very hot and you’ll definitely be feeling alllll the feelings as you process it. Just know it gets better, and try to be gentle with yourself as you go through this!

    As for your question… I mean it sounds like he was being honest but that was rather unkind of him to say/do. He should have been there for you.

  7. Sometimes when big things like proposals or marriage come up people take a look at what their future could hold and take pause to see if that’s what they really want. If after 10 years she’s coming out with all this then I can imagine it’s something she’s been hiding for a while. I do think it’s a bit telling that you were planning out your life instead of you both planning your lives together.

  8. I have two opinions on this. One, do I think she cheated or did something sketchy? Yes. Two, do I think the cold sores are from her cheating? No. Cold sores can show up for a variety of reasons, including stress. If you’ve been stressed and anxious over this, that could have contributed too. If I were you, I wouldn’t focus as much on the cold sores, I’d focus on the other red flags.

  9. She could have this baby any minute. Her emotions, her body, her security, her everything is in upheaval and you just had to win.

  10. Pretty common stuff in LDR. You want sexting tips you should probably head to a related subreddit for that. Good sexting is different for everyone based on their likes and desires, you know your partner.

  11. Yeah you've convinced me. This must be frustrating for you. But there's probably also a reason he doesn't want to work more, in this job at least. In any other developed country he just could have gone to school also.

  12. If it never, ever happens again then maybe this was one weird instance and you never talk about it again.

    Even being CNM/open myself i feel like siblings are one of those boundaries you shouldn't cross. If either you or the siblings catches feelings you're in for a lot of drama :/

    Basically I'd just chalk it off to being wasted and make sure it doesn't happen again.

  13. It’s so disrespectful that even after telling you she didn’t want to hurt you, she did just that. This is not something I can come back from.

  14. Break up with her, get a paternity test, and if the kid is yours, fight for custody. It sounds like you would probably win

  15. Well.. and how is she going to take care of her own parents? (hopefully she is rich enough to hire people..) but MOST important; how fast does she dump OP is he gets something? Even temporarely like a broken leg? Eeks.

    Or 2. I deffo helped my best mate go to the toilet and shower when 2 broken legs. But she seems like an type that she only would do that.. no sorry HIRE someone.. if married. Then she can like use their/our money. Like when OP breaks his legs before that it's over. Will not ring a responsibillity bell for her unless money-handy/wise attached. Emphaty seems severely low in this one.

  16. It's a lot more humane to start around their armpits and then move onto the stomach once the initial iciness has worn off.

  17. He's just running you around in circles, OP, it's not you. This is a form of gaslighting, pointing out like everything is your fault. He's manipulating you, sounds like.

    Don't buy into this. Step back and reappraise things with fresh eyes.

  18. I do think a lot of this is insecurity. Sex is always different between different partners. You're over thinking.

  19. The baby is going to be there after birth! It’s not just a matter of your wife’s sensitive nose. Do you want to be able to hold and care for your child? I doubt your wife is going to be OK with your baby being around smoking/the smell that will transfer from you to baby if you’re back to smoking and you hold them. You need to quit and stay quit. I know that’s really very hot, but you can do it!

  20. So, you started dating your 47 year old boss when you were 19 from what I gathered from the comments. Just pretend for a minute this isn't about you for a minute because love is blind…. Let me tell you a headline and you tell me what you think about it.

    47 year old man in a relationship with his 19 year old employee

    Remember, this isn't your relationship, just someone else's. What do you automatically assume about this relationship?

  21. That happens when you completely ignore your partner when making a big, life altering decision that will affect both of you.

  22. I honestly hate saying casual shit on here while giving genuine advice, but in this situation, I have to really say, dude, are you fucking serious right now?

    Even if we ignored the second half (we won’t), from the title I was expecting that you just found out after a year that you contracted the STI. I was happy to see that this wasn’t the case, so I wanted to remove cheating as an issue.

    You started dating a year ago. You got this a year ago. You haven’t been sexually active with anyone else. You logically know she gave it to you. On its own, that’d be fine (for lack of a better term). It sucks but it happens and I’d have assumed she didn’t realize it.

    But then she just denies it. Unless you’re lying to us, she gave it to you. That’s the end of it. You’re here talking about how she’s calling your bluff. There’s no fucking bluff. You don’t need her to admit it. That she’s lying to you is a huge problem.

    Are there logical fallacies or frameworks to prove it to her? The proof is that you literally know. You don’t need some sort of smoking gun. She’ll continue to deny it. It’s honestly crazy, because I wouldn’t be assuming cheating.

    Despite that, I have to tell you that I have absolutely no clue why you need to know who she got it from. That’s weird, unnecessary, and tells you nothing of value. Oddly enough, at the end you sneak in that she gave you an answer. Why do you believe it’s “too long.” If she had it, she had it.

    After that, maybe she’s cheating on you. Or maybe you’re crazy because you’re losing your shit over looks.

  23. Honestly your 21, you're way too young to have to deal with this shit. Get a divorce, get a job and find someone who actually respects you.

    Even if you want to be a homemaker long term, you can still find a man out there that won't treat you like this. The relationship won't become transactional, it already is.

    No one who actually loves you, would treat you like this.

  24. I find that when you are attracted to someone you ask them on a date..That way, you can know real quick whats up.

    so what should you do? well you ask her on a date if you are interested in her. Always amazing to me that people cant simply go “hey you want to grab a coffee with me sometime?” or “can I take you out to dinner and an orgy?”

  25. Based on her description, it sounds like when the father is around, which isn’t often, he’s constantly looking for reasons to discipline his son, for perceived infractions.

    Like… imagine you barely see your dad and the only times you do see him, he’s yelling at you about everything you do. This kid is nine years old now, but I guarantee you by the time he hits high school, he’s going to hate his father if he doesn’t already.

  26. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It makes it that much harder that it was sudden with no warning. Stay strong and I'm hoping you feel better soon.

  27. It doesn’t mean she’s cheating. But it clearly demonstrates she’s feeling guilty/ashamed about something she knows is wrong.

  28. Either your penis is small or she is trying to destroy your self confidence. 6 month in a relationship is when abuser starts to show themselves, i would be very careful of any signs of narcissistic personality disorder, especially cover narcissist

  29. Perhaps you're right. In fact, you probably are – I'd be a liar if I said I didn't wear my heart on my sleeve. I still want to maintain a friendship with him at the end of this because we do get along famously despite this (and in fact, do have friendships with most of my exes or past romantic interests), especially considering that he's a big part of the reason why I even mentally survived lockdown, but I need a fuckload of time to avoid resentment for him and his happiness.

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