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diamond_girlssslive sex stripping with hd cam


16 thoughts on “diamond_girlssslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’ve decided to leave her. I can’t deny that she’s toxic and all these responses give me the courage to dump her. It scares me how she’ll reAct but I’m done

  2. You don’t need paternity to prove rape if a rape kit was conducted. Semen is what proves it. If the child belongs to OP that doesn’t suddenly make the rapist innocent.

  3. I would ask her directly. “Why do you go tell guys that I like them? I don't think it helps and I'd like you to stop.”

    Also, whenever she talks about these guys texting her a lot, I would say “I'm surprised your fiance is OK with you giving out your number to random guys.”

  4. 1500 honestly isn't the worst for a ring that you will literally wear for the rest of your life (hopefully) and if he can't really afford it there are finance options. Personally I don't believe in the saying “the ring should be 5% of your salary” that would mean my boyfriend would literally spend like 9k on a ring. That's ridiculous. It should be a ring that you like.

  5. You, apparently, want affection and communication. Neither of which he is giving you. You say he gives you a place where you are wanted and desired, yet his lack of communication and affection would imply that isn't the case. You consider yourself, more or less, to be a loser and instead of working at improving yourself and improving the type of people you allow to be in your life, you allow this man to talk to you in the way he does in the photo you attached (which, in case you didn't notice, is not as if he is talking to a human being he cares about and respects, but rather a hole for him to stick an appendage into whenever the mood strikes him).

    I'm sorry, but I suppose I'm not sure what you are expecting the way of advice. You can't go swimming in hazardous waste and not expect it to be toxic.

  6. It’s not a competition. Your thinking about this is kinda weird to be honest. Maybe she liked you more so wanted to wait to get to know you better before moving forward. Maybe she felt like having sex on the first date was the wrong thing to do in hindsight. Who knows. Who cares. Do you like her? Do you want to be in a relationship with her? The past is past so move on.

  7. What are you on about? Do you know how many men have had lives destroyed or put in prison for years with no evidence? ‘Women’ of Reddit never cease to surprise me.

  8. Thank you. I wrote and rewrote this a few times. Its really weird to describe, I see her as more of a person who i want to spend my life with as my partner but i wonder how much of that is that i'm getting older. I know I'd be very very happy with her.

  9. People pursue open relationships for a lot of reasons. Not being able to conceive isn't one of them I've ever heard of. Your mom either has some really weird friends, or has a bizarre idea of trying to be helpful. Do not let what she said get in your head. It's bunk.

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