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7 thoughts on “di_perlelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She’s asked him out to dinner repeatedly. There’s absolutely no risk to cutting her off completely if he set boundaries and she didn’t respect them.

    Please stop making out we as humans have to settle for inappropriate behaviour from coworkers outside of work in order to keep the peace in work. Absolutely no blowback will happen from him telling her to settle it down. Especially if he was uncomfortable.

  2. I mean traditional (if you can use that) open relationships are for both people and not open for only one. But I'm not op so I can't say why he used unique.

    All I can say is that coupled with the rest of his posts make this one crappy relationship where he was definitely taken advantage of.

  3. I know she’ll use a money excuse as one of her defenses. When we got married, money was always an issue. It’s not now but I feel like she thinks she’s sacrificing her mouth so we have money when that’s not the case anymore.

  4. Married but lived alone for the last 6 years

    Meant to say it was just I & my partner.

    But if you’re not in a room

    coming home, all lights are off even when people are home opening door to my room, all lights off walking from kitchen to room, all lights off except in kitchen

  5. Nooooooo – why can't he find a job? Even a fast food restaurant or supermarket?

    It's not like he's home looking after kids, if that was the case I'd understand his frustration.

    At the minute, you are fully supporting him to do nothing, the LEAST he could do is the housework.

    If I was you, I'd come back with “Ok, I understand that you doing all the housework is hurting our relationship, but in that case, me paying all the bills will hurt our relationship.”

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