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DesiZoyalive sex stripping with hd cam


25 thoughts on “DesiZoyalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. What's the name of the app? If there's anything like that app, then you would be helping so many people here too. I see so many comments inquiring about the app name, and OP hasn't replied or disclosed the app name yet!

  2. Every time I would bring up waiting he would just go quiet. He wouldn’t argue or disagree, so whenever he brought up the little marriage comments, I thought he was just excited for the future, since I had already voice how I didn’t want to get engaged until later. He clearly knew his secret plan of getting a ring and party, and if I didn’t.

  3. Believe me when I say you don’t want to marry this dude anyway. He’s bending to cultural expectations of his parents and if you did marry him.. life as you know it would be over. In that culture the DIL became north more than a bedchamber mate and slave. I’m not lying even a little bit. And him… well if you didn’t do exactly as mommy demanded he would yell at you too.

  4. What is the purpose of this comment? He said he’s pro choice but was supportive of her keeping the pregnancy. I don’t understand why you’re projecting onto OP.

  5. He’s an idiot.

    There are intelligent people of all genders, and while it was thought that men were smarter, that was because higher education was refused to women. Since women have been able to attend higher education, women are proving that they are just as intelligent as men.

    The inequality of education, and the careers following is still to be overcome, but intellectually women are as smart (personally I think smarter) as men, and this has been more than proved over and over again.

  6. Hello /u/whiskmeoffmyfeet,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  7. You're disgusting for preying on a teenager. The fact of the matter is, you're not impressive to women your own age and it sounds like this young girl has finally come to her senses and wants to get away from you.

  8. If you like him and he treats you with respect then continue to date him unless you see anything otherwise. The age gap is significant and he has an advantage in experience but you’re both legal consenting adults. Take it slow. Good luck.

  9. Congratulations on getting sober! I know that’s not easy and you should be proud of yourself. I’m so sorry you’ve dealt with this liar, but it’s never too late to cut ties.

  10. He crossed your boundary so that was bad on him but at the same time good luck trying to prevent a 20 year old man from watching porn.

  11. You screwed up.

    The amount of damage you caused is unfortunately unable to be known until you talk to your BF about it.

    Do not confront him, as that is the fastest way to ensure that your relationship ends. Just ask him if he’s ready to talk about it. Let him talk first, and then afterwards apologise.

    Actually in your post it doesn’t say if you apologised after you screwed up – if you didn’t then you should probably expect to be dumped when you get home.

  12. 1) She isn't good with money and believes that she should be able to indulge herself recklessly (or maybe just that she should be able to indulge herself recklessly and be frivolous with your money).

    You're not 'countering' my argument, you're agreeing with it. I said she's either frivolous with her money (which you refuted) or she's frivolous with your money (which you didn't address at all).

    You feel like an ATM because she sees you as one and treats you like one. I have never in my life had someone argue with me because I wasn't spending enough of my money on them.

  13. Yes, this is a relationship that needs to end. It is hot to tell how realizable a narrator you are, OP. You do sound very full of contempt for your wife and her friends, and I’m not sure all of your judgement is fair. But it really is impossible to tell from the internet. So… you’re just not compatible.

  14. DNA test.

    Also, she really ought to see a therapist. That is some insane level of denial there and really needs to be looked at.

  15. Sorry man, but I don’t believe her. The fact that she struggles being physically intimate with you leads me to believe she physically cheated.

    You say she only wants to be at work and not be around your home. Is she still working with this guy? If so, has she said anything about plans to find a new job? How does she expect you two to move past this while she still works with this guy?

    It doesn’t add up man. If I were you, I would continue to improve yourself and speak with a lawyer to make sure you’re in a good position for divorce.

  16. Is it fckd up that I wouldn’t care if he was pissed about it because of how much she’s worth it to me?

  17. Just to add on to the complete insanity of this man’s whole deal, but does he understand that he can’t have it both ways? Like…he does this big “heroic” gesture to show he’s not on management’s side and is still one with his fellow workers or whatever; and then he gets mad that he’s not promoted to management??? It sounds like he wanted the power and prestige of being promoted while still maintaining the veneer of being “just one of the guys”, and he thought his little performance would somehow make that possible. Very hot tip buddy; if you tell management you don’t want to be perceived as being “on their side”, they probably won’t ask you to be.

  18. “If that means he doesn't make me feel secure enough”, bad way of thinking, an SO enhances us not completes us, it's your job to control your feelings because you're the only one who can.

  19. Yes you can buy legitimate test boosters but there is a clear misunderstanding here. A test booster only increases the free test in the body is nothing like TRT from a dr or hitting test shots for weight lifting. With that said though this behavior shouldn't be linked what so ever and he is either doing something else or just being an ass. In my case I run these things with SARM cycles and never have these types of issues.

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