DelinaLevis on-line sex cams for YOU!


DelinaLevis Public Chat Channel

Date: October 13, 2022

28 thoughts on “DelinaLevis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Why can you not go?

    Other than that the only concern is time. If he isn't willing to use prolonged time off work to go or do sth eith then this is unacceptable. However you haven't mention anything such.

    You really shouldn't be guilt tripping him into not going (unless the above issue is true). This might deeply damage your relationship with him.

  2. Don't waste your time, he won't marry you. It could be possible if you wait you will be just his side chick. Do you need to be his loved so much to allow to be treated like this? Do you think that you don't deserve to be really loved, to travel, go out with your partner freely, know his family, give his children? All this will be impossible with him.

  3. There is no universal rule as to what people are and are not okay with. It’s easy to think everyone feels like is when we feel strongly about it, but everyone is different. We all set our boundaries and rules and it’s not fair to impose either on another person. I personally would have no trouble dating someone who does the things OP described but it’s perfectly fine if you personally wouldn’t want to. It’s why being open and honest during early dating is so important.

    As I was saying, this is an issue of mismatch more than anything else. There is no “right” way to grieve and grief doesn’t just disappear – it stays with us for the rest of our life, it just gets smaller and easier to on-line with. There’s no off switch just as there’s no off switch for love. There are plenty of people who will be a better match for OP’s ex and plenty of people who will be a better match for OP. It’s important that OP is honest about the role his late wife plays in his life.

  4. Maybe you should listen to your gut & this guy's ex-gf and find yourself a bf who isn't obsessed with a women who isn't interested in him.

  5. Hello /u/Any-Cartographer-675,

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  6. I hate to tell you this, but you need to know 2 things

    1) this is what you get for not being proactive when you had the chance


    2) James is gay honey.

  7. As much as I hate to say it, you could start recording things. “You want to say you're not scream-fucking all night? Here's how it sounds in my bedroom with the door closed. Here's how it sounds downstairs with the TV off, and one more with it on to be thorough.” Ngl, one of the reasons I moved out was because of parental noise, only for me it was arguing with occasional screaming.

  8. Let that girl go. She is disgusting to have her mind world that way. I would change my brother or sister too….. nasty heifer. Did she even offer to help “being as she is a woman”?

  9. All I hear is me, me, me. Leave your friend alone. You still only care about yourself. If you had any love for her you would stay away and let her heal. If she ever wants to talk to you again she will reach out. Let her be.

  10. I want to know what happens if she does get pregnant and suddenly comes back around expecting everyone to act like she never iced them out over her sister's pregnancy.

  11. He has been acting childish lately. I feel lost with it. I admit I’m annoying by him. He only thinks about himself lately.

  12. That's a conversation that needs to happen /before/ getting married if husband wanted to be the caretaker for his siblings. No, it doesn't sound like he laid put the situation to his wife and asked her if she was willing to accept that arrangement.

  13. How long have you two been together?

    Is his behaviour of lashing out when you ask if he needs help, turning it into a fight, and pushing you away for weeks afterwards, out of character?

    Is he talking with other people in his life still, that you know of, or is he isolating himself?

  14. Your past is a part of you, the good, the bad, and the ugly. If he has an issue with you having pain then he is not the one!

    Also, this relationship has several red flags.

  15. As to the first part: you can generalise me as a person based on my reaction to this sure. I don’t have much to say there other than yes, I am angry. I’m not stuck on it. But, I am finding nude to move on.

    Second part: Agreed, it is a societal conditioning. But as partners who have worked hard towards breaking societal conditionings that are in place for both genders, I am having a very hot time digesting this. I don’t want to elaborate further on this because I feel like it’ll detract from the issue I have raised here, and I don’t want to seem like I’m side tracking the issue at hand.

    As for the rest of what you said, there isn’t anything for us to address together anymore. The issue happened and now it’s done. And I am left feeling like when my issue was affecting the relationship we worked on it as partners, despite how much I didn’t want to talk about it and avoid it and work on it on my own but despite him going through the same thing at roughly the same time, he didn’t include me in it. It honestly feels like he used my issue to cover up and hide his and when it needed to be discussed to resorted to medication rather than let me in and allow me to help him figure it out together.

    This definitely isn’t on the same level as a lot of stuff on this subReddit or any other. But my life is uniquely my own, and regardless of perspective being helpless in most cases, I was hoping for people to consider my story on its own merit and give advice.

    Thank you for your words.

  16. Wow this post gave me PTSD. Had a eerily similar relationship/breakup.

    Stay strong, brighter days are ahead.

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