DeeaKnockers on-line sex cams for YOU!


DeeaKnockers Public Chat Channel

Date: October 3, 2022

32 thoughts on “DeeaKnockers on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Possible yellow flag?? Possible?? Yellow?? Are you THAT naive? No, girl! Stay with him. He will have so much fun lying to you, manipulating and gaslighting you.

    Looking forward to your update in 3 years “help, I’m 25 with a 2 year old. My partner is twice my age and I recently found a dating app on his phone. I worry that it’s not really research for work as he is claiming. Could I be wrong and just overacting?”

  2. OP’s reply to a comment in the thread mentions that the other husband is really chill and relaxed. I’m just gonna throw it out there- is he chill and relaxed enough to be into a swingers-type situation?? Since you’re all friends (if you honestly trust this woman), maybe there are some boundaries they’re looking to cross and that you need to reinforce.

    I suppose it could also be some weird foreplay scenario with the other couple (again, going off the comment that OP trusts this woman and she’s friends with her).

    OR, she’s not a friend at all and she’s going after your man.

    Trying to sum up all the possibilities I see…good luck, OP! Update us if anything happens ?

  3. Speak for yourself. Every body is different, why assume people are exaggerating instead of just telling what it feels like for them? Just because it's not earth shattering for you doesn't mean that's true for all people.

  4. Hmmm I used to do this but the problem with asking that question is that you’re centering yourself in her problems. Even though y’all are in a relationship, you are not her whole life. We have no idea why she was upset. She could’ve woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had been cranky. When you ask “did I do something” it takes the focus away from what’s wrong with her and makes her, at a time she clearly is not in a good mood, reassure you. And not to say there’s anything wrong with reassurance but it’s just not the moment. Next time just tell her that you’ve noticed she has been distant and if she wants to talk about it, you’re there to listen. This puts the focus on what you noticed and how you’re there to help. I don’t think the question is weird, it’s heavily normalized to take other ppls moods personally.

  5. Doesn't matter if it's tit pics or feet pics. He is engaging in interaction with other women for the express purpose of sexual gratification. Do with that what you will.

  6. I would tell your mom. Apologies for breaking the promise. But it will be much better if you’ll tell her before he found a way to contact her himself. Your mother was abusive and probably still is – but it doesn’t give your brother a right to be abusive to her.

    She might get angry and push you away – it’s ok, it calls taking responsibility for your actions. Accept it and do the right thing.

  7. u/Enough-Inspector7886, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. I'm 5'3″ and the one time I weighed 112 lbs since puberty it was because I spent a week in the hospital and I looked near-skeletal.

    “Plump” is a very deliberate choice of wording, especially if you've had problems with your weight before and he knows (I might be assuming but you do say you were already worried about weight gain at 112lbs). You might want to Google the ternm “negging.”

    If anything I'd bet you look better at 124 lbs (healthier, full cheeks, shiny hair/skin, boobs/butt poppin', etc) than at 112 at your height.

    Stay on the meds. Mental instability is a vulnerability that is all too easy for others to exploit. Your sanity is worth more than any relationship.

  9. Hello /u/Outrageous_Clerk2335,

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  10. THEY WOULDN'T KNOW! THEY'RE FREAKING DEAD! Jfc you know what else isn't very “moral”? Judging others. Neither is being a self-righteous person who believes they can dictate what other people do with their lives. Get a grip and move one. And tell your husband to stop fucking your sister if you're this salty about it.

  11. The thing is, OP having a relationship with his father doesn't actually affect the mother. Especially since OP is an adult. My guess is that she wants OP to cut his dad off to spite him. She doesn't have to be involved in their relationship.

  12. Babies, exhaustion etc are not the issue. You asked so I'll tell you, I resumed intercourse with my partner 5 weeks after a traumatic vaginal birth (yes I'm aware that's stupid, I was horny). We had sex probably 10 times per week even when baby was newborn and waking to feed every 2-3hrs. Because I love sex. And so did my then partner.

    What I think about a very low libido person with a medium or above libido person: it isn't tenable long term. It will likely end with cheating and divorce.

  13. Can you honestly believe 100% all she said, or do you feel that, in a week or two something else may com

    She told the same thing to her best friend, So I do believe its truth. Shes never one to lie to me.

    But you are right. And I know this was a catastrophe waiting to happen, but I feel like it's my fault cause I was like “Go, so you can see one of your favorite bands.” I don't wanna break up with her, and I told her I had no intention too,, but I also told her that all trust I had with her there and then some…is just gone.

    And she understood that. She would never cheat on me, I know that. But I mean, if Im not by her, it's like what if shes lying.

  14. Heya is it possible the scammer got access to any of y'all's info/chats and purported to be YOU then got the video from him?

    Seems he would have mentioned it. But seems like a plausible sequence… And great way to generate the blackmail

  15. Like this dude is straight up being insecure and jealous AF. He's got some major trust issues from his past and he's taking it out on you. It's not cool for him to be constantly leaning over your shoulder and questioning your every move. And it's definitely not cool for him to be telling you who you can and can't talk to. That's some major control issues right there.

    You deserve to have your own space and autonomy in the relationship. It's important to set boundaries and communicate with him about how his actions are making you feel. But also, try to understand his feelings and his past trauma, it's important to have empathy. But still, it's not a excuse for him to be controlling you.

    You need to have a serious talk with him about his behavior and how it's affecting your relationship. Let him know that you care about him and understand where he's coming from, but that his jealousy and control issues are not okay. Encourage him to seek help and professional counseling to work through his past traumas, you can also suggest couple counseling to help both of you work through the problems in your relationship. And if he's not willing to do that and change his behavior, then you have to make the difficult decision to walk away for your own emotional well-being.

    Just remember, you deserve to be in a healthy and respectful relationship where you feel safe and respected. And if he can't give that to you, then it's time to move on. Stay strong and don't be afraid to speak up for yourself.

  16. OP what are you doing with thia man?. Leave him and let him take his children and you can visit every week. Let him learn how very hot it is to rsise 5 children. You are only 28, online for yourself for once.

  17. I would just tell her how you feel and say you don’t wanna keep guessing what she wants. If she doesn’t feel the same way than at least you can get her out of your hair and move on. It’s not healthy to maintain a relationship with a person like that in general nevertheless during a different real relationship.

  18. Girl you shouldn't be chasing someone for 4 years. Give up on this.

    He's keeping you hanging as an ego boost. He wants to date other people. He's telling you no. Listen.

  19. That’s life, isn’t it? I remember reading that generations of New Yorkers, before air conditioning, would escape the heat of summer by sleeping on the roof tops of their apartment buildings, where they would see and experience their neighbors having sex on the roof.

  20. That’s life, isn’t it? I remember reading that generations of New Yorkers, before air conditioning, would escape the heat of summer by sleeping on the roof tops of their apartment buildings, where they would see and experience their neighbors having sex on the roof.

  21. Well, it does. Now he is “cheating” when she removes permission. Which is another mind fuck I want him to go through.

  22. she'd check his browser history and see HOURS worth of a porn marathon session almost daily

    Are you sure about this? That's the part I don't get.

    —–> It's in his history?

    The first thing anyone learns in the first 10 minutes is to use incognito/private-window mode.

  23. Thank you for the insight as it helps understand the other side besides mine. I have struggled with other instances where he is unwilling or tired to do things with me but he does that exact same thing with his friends. For example, I suggested a weekend ski trip in January but he said he absolutely could not because it was a busy month at work…which I understood…however, that same night, I hear him asking his friend about traveling for his birthday in a weekend also in January… I have tried to bring it up but he gives me the silent treatment and I need to store those issues inside of me.

  24. but the thing is, he just told me he sat down and talked to some of my other friends (we are in the same friend group) and told me he has told them in person, and wants to do the same for T.

  25. That’s very true. I’ve always told myself I’ll break the cycle. I see it from my grandmother, mother and sister and I want to be nothing like them. I hope to be a great mom and the opposite of what I was shown.

    I’m sure I’ll forgive and let it go. I think therapy might help me as well, thank you!

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