DANNY-OG online sex chats for YOU!


danny-og chat

Date: October 12, 2022

9 thoughts on “DANNY-OG online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I love how you’re now saying I’m screaming. Regularly when I’m having conversations with people my wife says you’re getting loud bring the volume down. Talking and getting loud does not equal screaming… it seems you think there’s two volumes whispering and screaming and nothing in between.

  2. Dude, what are you doing?

    You're 23, and you've only been dating for 4 months. Move on, find someone with the same moral leanings as yourself.

  3. Supporting your friends can mean encouraging them to do the right thing for them. Friends aren’t therapists – that’s above the paygrade. I do wish people would recognise this more, there are limits as to how much we can help our friends, the best we can do is point the in the right direction and give them baby steps.

    Seen too many friendships breakdown because the friend was tired of playing “therapist” which they should never have done in the first place.

  4. Your boy needs to handle his emotions at work. It’s not that he isn’t allowed to feel but sometimes it’s better overall to go with the flow and then ugly cry alone in your car or maybe angry dance in a warehouse while the song never by moving pictures plays. I don’t care about awards but if someone hands me one. I will say thanks act all happy take a picture or whatever horseshit they have planned and then I’m to huck that corny garage in the trash. Even if he’s leaving, his boss might have contacts at the next company or knows a lot of people in the industry. It’s fun to fantasize about revenge on your boss or company like the movies but it’s not a great idea for your career in the long run. The fact that he doesn’t talk to you about work because it’s his space and it doesn’t concern you is not good. When you’re married, have kids, a second vehicle and a mortgage his work does concern you.

  5. You're self destructing your relationship dude. Just enjoy it. If these things bother you, discuss them with him. If all you do is think you're just gonna tear it all apart. Discuss it with him to actually figure it out.

  6. She differentiates a “serious” relationship from a relationship based on the marriage intention. Even though she's in a serious relationship with her bf, their intention is not yet to get married, so she considers it more casual. Although by Western definitions it's serious. This is her 4th such relationship in her life and she does not want to trade it for a 5th one with me. At this point in her life she would only trade it for a “serious” relationship, one with the intention of marriage.

  7. Eh, I think if he complains about the gym thing, the best answer is to invite him along. He most likely won't accept, but if he won't join you, he has no grounds to complain.

    You've made positive changes and I think he's insecure that you'll find someone better or more attractive than him now.

    His attitude about this entire thing is gross and unsupportive. You could try couples counseling, but I feel like it's a huge issue if he can't even be happy and supportive of the person he loves. I think his buddies are probably placing things in his head too. That's a very common culprit I've noticed.

    So.. invite him to the gym. Ask for couples counseling so that you can get to the bottom of his insecurities and express how upsetting it is that he can't be supportive of your goals.

    If couples counseling doesn't change anything, tell him that you're done. You need a partner, not someone that's going to make you feel like crap for levelling up in life.

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