DannaaMonroe live sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 6, 2022

15 thoughts on “DannaaMonroe live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Oh, Right! I'll also be sure to keep you updated if you want to, I'm definitely gonna be trying out your methods.

  2. At this point I’d be telling strangers in the street it wasn’t his ring! Girl you had to move because of this!

  3. u/jthr3w, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. What she’s proposing to do is considered fraud to the US government. Doesn’t matter how you see it or how she sees it — you’ll be facing some nasty charges, period, if immigration (or whatever bureau it is) catches wind of what you’re doing. Cancel the process and then block her, she’s not for you.

  5. And i know depending on the areas laws. But you could get a judge to change his child support. But depending on the area he or the ex is living in and I do think it is the mother.

  6. It's Reddit. How do you “know” anything? OP stayed in the title it was his fiance. That's all I'm going off of.

    I guess I can sympathize with this because I'm a dude and dudes know how dudes operate. For the most part, at least in my experience. Sometimes, a few words can say a lot. Either you get it, or you don't.

  7. No, we have a problem with people putting their children second. She begged not to go and you forced her out.

  8. Just go with what your guts telling you , don’t get very attached to that person , if you decide to get to know him better start as a friends if you catch him lying again about somthing then that’s your time to move on .

  9. Oh, the hypocrisy of the male species…”I can have sex with you and another girl, but you having sex with two guys is disgusting!” It's like women can't be sexual creatures, too…my husband and I have the agreement that if he ever wants a threesome with a girl, I get one with a guy. So far, neither has happened. Neither will happen. It was something we discussed at 19 and we're reaching 35 now (yes, 16yrs together, crazy!). What you did in your past should have nothing to do with your current relationship given that it wasn't, like, abusive or manipulative or gaslighting or cheating…crap like that matters. Who you've slept with, how many, how in general…it shouldn't matter…

  10. You don’t have to stay married to somebody that cheated on you you know that right? You might even be able to find a way to acknowledge because it’s so soon. I wouldn’t stay if that’s your dealbreaker you need to find a way to honor it because if you don’t. He will cheat again and you will have no leg to stand on because you’re a dealbreaker you tolerated it before.

  11. You'll be copping a lot of shit here dude but you are 100% making the right call even if it sucks. You HAVE to say something, sounds like she's in the same boat anyway.

    Damned if you do, double damned if you don't

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