Dalila-ali1 on-line sex cams for YOU!


Make me very happy 🙂

Date: October 25, 2022

6 thoughts on “Dalila-ali1 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Ask what he wants in life and relationship in the future, how he’s planning to do things (marriage, kids, joint finances and etc) and what do you want. Give him a timeline (a few months) to decide, if he doesn’t meet you in the middle, leave.

    In 6 years you should know where he stands and what you two want in life, and should be able to talk about things straightforwardly. In general, if he doesn’t want things you want out of life, don’t spend your time on waiting for him, find someone who wants these things.

  2. Trying to snoop through his phone or anything else is going to break whatever trust is left. If there is something, do you really feel better seeing all of it? If it is nothing, how can you trust each other knowing that that is now on the table.

    You also have a kid together. Co-parenting is now your goal. You can't do that successfully if there isn't a sense of respect and trust.

    I really don't get the focus on being Harriet the Spy when you already know that trust was hurt. It's now all about how you navigate past this situation.

  3. Umm break up with her. You aren’t married and she already feels entitled to using your money for her selfish reasons and getting mad at you for saying no. She’s not going to change you need to get out before she tries getting knocked up or something to get that money out of you

  4. For me forgiveness means no longer feeling the incredible weight of what I’ve done on my shoulders. Because I’ve learned a lot in therapy, and perhaps I just have to curry this burden with me for a long time. Maybe that’s my punishment.

    I didn’t expect anything from the apology. I just knew they deserved one.

  5. She was the one that had wanted to be friends tho. At least she hasn't blocked me that I know of. I know from what little I've read live some people do this as a test to see if their ex would come crawling back but I don't know if that's real or not. She was the first person I've ever fallen in love with so the blow is especially painful

  6. I completely understand the advice on ending the relationship, because from an outside perspective it can seem very toxic. My girlfriend suffers from various mental illnesses like BPD, Severe anxiety, Depression, that have been VERY debilitating. I would blame these external factors for a huge majority of our fights, but I accepted her for who she was at the beginning of the relationship and couldn’t end things with a good conscious because of what she can’t control. I could write a book based on these problems alone, but we always made it through them when I was fully attracted to her. My problem though, Is that now that I don’t particularly find her attractive, it’s like I can’t put in 110% effort to be there for her in every situation like I used to be. The changes in her personality, and drastic changes in her appearance make it feel like I’m dating a completely different woman. If she does something that is not okay, the old me would want to talk it out but nowadays, it just makes me 10x more frustrated/upset. I feel like I’m going through a breakup while still in the relationship haha

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