Cutiesue live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

29 thoughts on “Cutiesue live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/asilrecneps, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Hello /u/Countrybumpkin2022,

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  3. I would pick the thing that will cause the least amount of regret later, if he is really about to die. You could get some answers from him now before he's gone.

  4. Actually it made me think of the types of guys who read into everything. Suzie might just be flirty, she might not be interested. u/ThrowRAmaybegaslit I'd ask him why he thinks these girls are into him at all, because they may not be and that might open up some other conversations you need to have and info you need to process.

  5. Honestly the dynamic in this relationship doesn’t sound great. I personally don’t want to be in a relationship where they set all the rules because you have to grovel to be his person.

    He has trust issues. Is he willing to work on them with you, or is it his way or the highway? Are there other ways that this shows? Can he have female friends but you can’t have male friends?

    I think there isn’t enough information in your post.

  6. Hun why are you still with him?

    Are you happy? Besides this very disturbing controlling aspect is he a good husband and partner?

    You are really young to be tied with someone that doesn’t makes you happy, just try to come up with an scape plan if you want to leave

  7. I think you mean your ex- give him the tag, say you’re breaking up with him, walk away and block him on everything

  8. He’s taking thousands of your money and giving it to another woman and you’re wondering if you should ask him about it? Jesus.

  9. It sounds like it is time for two cards – divorce or therapy. You are allowing your wife to treat you like her slave.

  10. I think you should just level with your boyfriend that he's a weak fucking idiot for being so insecure that the concept of a fitness trainer makes him uncomfortable. If he can't trust you when you hit the gym, why the fuck is he dating you? You're not an object for him to own, this isn't a thing you should even have to negotiate.

  11. My self esteem was in the dirt a few months ago, but honestly… I’ve been seeing my own therapist that had reminded me that I’m kind of a catch. You don’t know me, but I am completely aware I have all the qualities of an objectively attractive woman (not just looks but personality and interests/work). But I am also really particular. And even tho I fucking hate this I LOVE then things about my man that make him who he is. You’re imagining a social loser outcast but he’s not. He’s a social butterfly. He’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. He’s very musically inclined. He can be so romantic when things feel good. We have soooo many shared interests.

    I got lost there, but point is, I used to feel like shit and now I don’t bc of therapy. But despite all these wonderful qualities… I am considering leaving bc I KNOW I can be with someone who doesn’t have to think of porn to cum.

  12. Seriously. One of our best friends is a professional chef. If we hang out sometimes they cook and it's just a fun hang out time.

    We 100% always pay when we go to his restaurant because we go to support his business because his food is kick ass and we want to see him succeed.

    Also it's $20 and OP doesn't know this woman. Stupid woman should have asked before hand and then expected OP to feel sorry for her choosing beggar butt.

    I feel like the BF's mom is trying to use this as an excuse to break them up probably because the BF is maturing and learning to develop boundaries and momma doesn't like that. So it's obviously OPs fault and her influence on the BF that she's losing her baaaaby. /s

  13. Her values are incompatible, and foolish. You need a house, not a ring. Do not marry this woman. Ever.

  14. What a gross oversimplification of male friendships. We're not all racist, sexist morons. That is not the default to the male condition, people hate broad generalizations tham you get half a thousand upvotes on this hot take.

    What about her family ? Why do they avoid him ?

  15. Hey. Thanks for the reply. I dont want her to hang out with me because she feels obligated. That is the point. I want people to be around me because they want to, not because they have to so they can keep me around.

  16. I feel like her telling you this is a sign she may want something like that again. Reason being is you put that she wanted that indicating to me she made sure to tell you it was something she wanted. With it being something that you aren't into I would tread carefully.

  17. Thank you for this! I feel like this is the response I needed! In detail and might actually work to switch her on board with paying some bills. I'll take this into account and take some other feedback on here and see what I can do. Thanks again!

  18. I’m fully willing to take responsibility… it’s him? I wanted to keep this one and the last as well. Before him, I had no abortions and 1 kid..

  19. I can conceive of a situation where it wouldn't be break up worthy, but maybe I'm too trusting. Maybe her friends spent too much, and she needed to make a snap decision to cover them. And, in this scenario, her friends, as well as her,would pay him back ASAP. Maybe the intent wasn't to defraud him. However, in the event the intention was to defraud him OP needs to GTFO.

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