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Model from: ua
Languages: en,ru
Birth Date: 2002-01-08
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBlue
Subculture: subcultureRomantic
Date: November 11, 2022
This was beautifully said.
If you stay with her be ready to get stabbed or worse if she is willing to cut the brake lines.
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THIS RIGHT HERE MAN I was in a very similar situation as you months ago, but damn it's fun being single when you start putting some of that energy you put into the relationship into yourself
Breakup with this guy. He doesn’t sound like a guy who actually cares about you and doesn’t care about women in general. He is toxic and abusive towards anyone without a penis. This is more than just a gift to his stepsister. This is him trying to manipulate you to do what he wants. Stop pleasing him and do what you want.
Exactly what I said
This is a pretty major thing. Your BF's instincts are not to listen to you or to protect you. Talk to him about what you want and need from him, and if he just shuts you down, well, there's your answer. He's 27, he's probably pretty set in his ways at this point. He doesn't seem to listen to your needs and not allowing you to feel safe while you're out walking at night is a pretty huge red flag to me.
Best of luck. Remember – just because you're with him doesn't mean you have remain with him.
This is a pretty major thing. Your BF's instincts are not to listen to you or to protect you. Talk to him about what you want and need from him, and if he just shuts you down, well, there's your answer. He's 27, he's probably pretty set in his ways at this point. He doesn't seem to listen to your needs and not allowing you to feel safe while you're out walking at night is a pretty huge red flag to me.
Best of luck. Remember – just because you're with him doesn't mean you have remain with him.
This is a pretty major thing. Your BF's instincts are not to listen to you or to protect you. Talk to him about what you want and need from him, and if he just shuts you down, well, there's your answer. He's 27, he's probably pretty set in his ways at this point. He doesn't seem to listen to your needs and not allowing you to feel safe while you're out walking at night is a pretty huge red flag to me.
Best of luck. Remember – just because you're with him doesn't mean you have remain with him.
If you're not happy with yourself then you should lose weight. If you want to keep sleeping with him then fine, but I want you to remember how he has treated you.
When you are healthier and your confidence is up you should drop him. Maybe just drop him now, he sounds sleazy as fuck!
If he has raised a concern about this before, it may well be an issue. You have to be upfront and talk to him about planning that period well in advance. Do not present it as i am doing x, good luck with what ever you are doing. This is big enough that he should see the sense of it though. Just come to the decision together if possible.
Sometimes there will be clashes that cannot be avoided though. You have to start deciding where you may rest in such a scenario. Many might feel second best if they always have to give way to other people you know.
Dude blacked out from rage or anger or out of a defense mechanism, who knows
Probably from the shock of seeing 2 male strangers the size of likely adult males standing feet away from him and his girlfriend in his home with no idea if they are armed or why they are in his home, but hey, don't know, just a guess.
Or “hmm, I'll have to think about that one.” “You have an interesting take on that.” “I've never thought about it that way.” That last one in particular, because if you don't know wtf she's saying, you certainly never thought about it that way.
If you're going to take a big life step without any consultation from your significant other, then she is right: you are not taking the relationship seriously.
No one is expecting you to buy the house she picks, but if you were serious about her, you would at least be creating a dialogue around your decision making instead of leaving her in the cold.
Military men because people who have seen the tough side of life appreciate the real things in life a little better than most, and know that at times it just takes two things: a decent human being and a decent connection with that human.
Cops only see the negative side of life so they are in many ways worse off, statistically.
People will merge lives if that's what they want – to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Which is a positive reason to get together.
But if they want to be together to solve the bite of loneliness, in general it's a slow ride to separation. Because loneliness is a negative reason to merge.
The only other way I see is to say “fuck it – my happiness BEGINS when I have a partner. Sure I can live! without one, but I'd much rather on-line WITH one”.
And then start discarding every expectation if it doesn't hurt you to discard it. Ex: Great romantic chemistry but bad housemates? Live! next to each other instead of under ONE roof – IF that is fine with you.
Figure out the stuff you CANNOT compromise on; everything else is just noise.
You can take whatever route you want. Just ensure that if things go south, your finances are intact because then
Yikes… It really makes you wonder why she even told you. Maybe someone heard her climax and walked in and she wasn’t made to climax the way she described to you and is trying to get ahead of the story before someone told you what they saw. Idk this seems very fishy….