Curly the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Curly, 19 y.o.


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Curly live! sex chat

Date: October 25, 2022

18 thoughts on “Curly the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your boyfriend is very immature. It’s a normal bodily function. Just not normal for guys. I think you should take him up on this offer of a breakup.

  2. My advise is to leave the poop marinate as long as it is needed to flush, but let him do the flushing. His shit, his responsibility to get rid of it.

  3. Brush your teeth, shower, moisturize, wash your hair, wash your ass crack, wear deodorant, wear clean clothes, keep your place clean, and try dating again. As long as you're clean and smell okay, and have a decent personality, you'll be able to find someone worthwhile. You're only 22.

  4. This is why people should have the “long term” conversation in the first month or 2 of dating. Both of you obviously have ideas about what you want your own future to be but haven't talked to the other person about it…

  5. I used to get angry at mistakes that my husband made that frustrated me. Like why can’t he just get it right!?!? But then I realized anytime I made a mistake, no matter how big or small, or how much it inconvenienced him, he never got angry with me. Making the mistake and being responsible for it is enough. There’s no need to be angry, and then to act like an asshole on top of it. Your boyfriend has emotional immaturity as a best case scenario, is a complete asshole as a worst case scenario. I’d talk to him about his reaction, if he’s able to listen and consider how it’s unproductive and rather mean, I’d give him another chance if he’s otherwise been a good partner. If he gets annoyed and angry once again, I’d recommend leaving him.

    Glad to hear the bank cleared it up! That must have been very stressful. And congrats on paying off your loan!!

  6. His approach is manipulative and self-centered.

    If you want to continue this relationship, ask him to buy and bring home dinner 2 or 3 nights a week. Maybe one of those healthy meals-to-go places. He may truly be exhausted from his work combined with disliking cooking. If he's not willing to do this, I hope you put him in the rear-view mirror.

  7. It was his actions that ruined the relationship, although you played a part, it's his relationship and his responsibility.

    Ultimately, you can't say you value honesty and not tell her

  8. He should be more aware. But it’s quite common to not have plus ones, and after helping plan several weddings, the amount of people who don’t actually rsvp and simply forget/wait until the bride/groom texts them to see if they’re actually going or not is disgusting.

    I think it’s entirely fair to be upset about this — but I’d personally frame it as being upset about him not being able to handle the logistics. It’s a responsibility and trust issue.

  9. When I was married I wouldn’t have a male friend in my home without my husband there. It looks bad.

  10. Conveniently leaving out what “rough week” means. Could mean she had a stressful day at work….or she caught you cheating on her.

  11. I mean, he can’t even stop himself from jerking off in the bathroom at work. There’s no situation in which that’s ok. It’s not even about the porn usage.

  12. I get asked ‘are you and the kids free?’ for any events, so yes, I do feel he would be explicitly invited if he was wanted there.

    We are not married. Our choice. Neither of us have ever wanted to get, or seen the point in being, married. Just a personal preference. We debated it when we went for a mortgage, but when discussed with a solicitor, they advised what there were other things that could be done much more quickly and simply, without having to get married if we did not want to, with the exact same outcome if the worst should happen. If we ever were to marry, it would change nothing other than change my surname.

  13. Sounds like he has communication issues and has not been forthcoming with you about how he feels. He probably has felt like breaking up for a while and didn’t come clean about it. Now that you’re broken up he’s putting distance between himself and the relationship with stuff like the Instagram post. You called him out on it and he realized that if he’s still in touch with you he will have to be accountable to you for what he says. Blocking you and everyone connected to you lets him move on and put on a show about being newly single without having to answer for toxic things he’s saying about the relationship you had.

    This sounds like a man who lives in fear of social accountability.

  14. Well he said he wouldn't have sex with the girl if we did it with another girl and I said I didn't have to have sex with the guy

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