CuriousKitty345live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “CuriousKitty345live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. For sure she already posted on FB back in November to start her narrative by putting an article about “negative energy exchange during sex” and doing a “cord cutting ceremony”. The article was about how women who sleep with toxic men can absorb their dark or dense energy and then become depressed and weak. It’s ironic coming from her. In December she posted something that said “just because you have a tolerance for emotional abuse doesn’t mean you have to endure it” and “I’m done surviving and getting mistreated, I’m ready to live”. So passive aggressive. 2 hours later she texted me to get her tacos and dinner and she’s forgive me for pissing her off. She sent a funny meme of the girl from the exorcist with her head on backwards and said something like “when you piss a woman off but then buy her food” and the exorcist lady was smiling.

  2. We’re working on saving as much as we can right now and looking as hot as we can to get an affordable place together it’s just difficult in the area because lots of the affordable places are dangerous areas and safer places are way too expensive

  3. Yeah but I don’t understand why it hurt so bad though? With everyone else it seems to hurt a little and be fine afterwards. idk if its normal or not

  4. She can than look for some other sucker that will buy her a home outside her tax bracket

    She better move fast, time isn't on her side tic tock tic tock

  5. I get your point. I hate that too but you’ve never gone out once. Out of the three or four times you’ve turned them down all the time. I would either say let’s make a plan for it or find a way to accommodate it a little bit and yes you are being rude. I can see if you didn’t like it you just say this isn’t comfortable can we make a plan in advance?

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