CrystalWild live sex chats for YOU!


make me wet [Multi Goal]

Date: December 20, 2022

10 thoughts on “CrystalWild live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Wow. What a night. It sounds stupid, but sleep on it. You don't have to make a decision right now. Let it sink in and see how you feel about it. Cut contact with her while you do it so she can't guilt you into accepting her back. Right now you just want the status quo back and I get that, but you'll probably really regret it if you rush into that decision. Really take your time to think about what you want. If you still want to get back together with her, think about what she can do to make it up to you and gain back your trust and respect. Generally, if a person is too drunk to remember, they're too drunk to consent. But that she got this drunk around friends of a coworker, people she barely knew if she is to be believed, is concerning in itself and would have dealbreaker potential for me.

    Just to hammer my point home: TAKE YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT. If she really wants your marriage to work there's no need to rush and she'll be there when you've made your decision.

    Info: did she keep drinking once she knew you were in the hospital? If yes, seek divorce or annulment.

  2. You just need to break up. I’ve been through this situation before, multiple times. And I’d always try to end things amicably. To be honest, though, I’d have to eventually block them anyways.

    It may be his lack of experience or it may just be the way he is. Either way this will be a lesson to him that he needs to tone that shit down. There’s no need for you to continue in this “relationship.”

  3. this is the advice I was giving my father until i realised his enabling (which after many years is as much the problem as my mother's underdeveloped+dysfunctional way of dealing with emotions) was a one way street with no turning back.

    some people are trapped in their own ways and are just looking for a tool to allow them to continue. OP might be exactly this tool. sadly that is what my dad became.

    OP, i wholeheartedly mean this: be the creator of your own good fortune, dont get sucked into being someone else's tool for misery.

  4. I agree with this and elaborated further in another post. It's an interesting dynamic, but the parts play against one another like a demented little ballet, you know?

  5. Doesn’t seem like husband knows condoms are also used for protection against STDs. Ain’t no birth control pill gonna protect both of y’all from STDs.

  6. So you believe the gps is wrong because… she took the same amount of steps she normally does at work? You do realise if she had sex that could have counted as steps, right?

    It’s a GPS tracker. People were commenting that it can sometimes be wrong… but only by close proximity to the location. It would NOT come up a random address like that. Sometime it can bring up a place near to where you are but it would not put you at a random residential home.

    When people say it says something different, I think that’s normally when they see they’re logged into different devices instead of their actual gps location tracker as sometimes when you click devices on any accounts it will put you down as being in, say, London because it’s tracked you to your country instead of actual gps location.

    She was at the coworkers house and she’s laughing at the fact you believed her nonsense story.

  7. He NEEDS to think of someone else because he is incapable otherwise? Nah girl leave, he's an addict and won't get help, you deserve better

  8. Quite the opposite response actually. But thank you for your understanding response, I can understand how he sees keeping things extremely spotless as a labor of love, such as your mom did. He works full time and we’re in a blessed financial spot where he wants me to stay home or work if I choose to. I think the bottom line is that our standards of cleanliness are different! Despite cleaning everyday I guess to him I fall short, hurtful but it is what it is. Again I have a hot time grasping how that can make someone so cold but we can communicate through that

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