CristalBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!


dance and tease [111 tokens remaining]

Date: October 13, 2022

16 thoughts on “CristalBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Curious-Order-6322, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. “Guys” are not universally any way. This guy is this way; dump him and find someone who wants what you do.

  3. You don't get past your feelings by dumping them on someone else who can't do anything about it. That's just you being selfish. Your unrequited feelings are not her problem.

  4. Communication is key. Explain you have a lot going on. You still have to pick a date, so you could just stay engaged for some years. You could tell people you’re saving up for a lavish wedding. That way you both save face. If he goes for it.

  5. I'm really having a hot time believing this post is real. “Her sister said it's my responsibility so it must be true” is basically what he said in another comment thread.

    We share a world with people like this…

  6. Sounds like a sexual assault scenario. Maybe you should get off your fucking high horse. You needed to check with Reddit if the girl qualified for an ethical exception?

  7. So then the result is… don’t have another baby with this woman and make your own life miserable for another 9 months to the extent of considering divorce. OP you need to be honest with her. Basically everything you said to us but frame it as this is not even an option. “You were abusive to me during your last pregnancy. I felt isolated and lonely and nothing I did was good enough or right. I had no one to talk to because everyone wrote it off as hormones but this was magnified 1000x. Our marriage will not survive another 9 months of that and if you choose to go through with this I cannot stand by and be your punching bag.”

  8. My friend does it as they have a genetic condition that is only in boys her and her husband have

  9. You’re churchy so let me explain this to you that way. Jesus said if your right eye is causing you to sin pluck it out. Now, that should not be taken literally but it should be taken seriously. He says things that cause us to sin should be removed from our lives. Teresa is causing you to sin or going to cause you to sin.

    But I’m not interested in Teresa, you say. And I believe that you are not sexually drawn to Teresa. But you sure do like her attention. You like her gifts and flirty texts. You like that she seeks you out. You like that a younger woman thinks you’re special.

    And while you get all those happy little ego boosts from the wanna be girlfriend, you are dragging your actual girlfriend. She’s irrationally jealous; she has issues; it’s insulting she doesn’t trust you even though you’ve done nothing to distance yourself from a “friend” who wants to break up your relationship.

    You want a godly relationship with your girlfriend? Start building a foundation of trust. Pluck out the “friendship” with Teresa. Dedicate yourself to the person you supposedly love. Because if you can’t do that cheating is not a question of if but when.

  10. I wanna know if he’s white or Latino or Asian because it could just be a cultural thing. I’m 23 and Latino I love my family but hate living with them but I’m still here because I’m not at a place in my life yet where I can afford to move out

  11. All the comments seem to be pointing fingers at the friend who definitely sucks, but your wife willingly let this friend take photos of her hot simply because he asked? I really don't see how she gets a pass here. That seems crazy to me. No one is that obtuse.

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