Cody Hartt the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Cody Hartt, 30 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Cody Hartt

Cody Hartt on-line sex chat

Date: October 21, 2022

6 thoughts on “Cody Hartt the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It's her. There's no other logical explanation esp if you've noticed jealousy. I mean, of course she's nof going to admit it.

  2. There’s a reas he’s dating so much younger than he is. Older more experienced women wouldn’t generally put up with his behaviour. OP you’re very young snd don’t have the relationship experience to realize he’s a huge self centred jerk. When something doesn’t go his way, you’re the problem. You say he can be really lovely, but I suspect that’s only when things are going his way.

  3. He won't do it until he wants to, and he doesn't want to, no matter what he says.

    You say you want to “continue” to grow with him. In what way is he growing?

  4. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, child support belongs to your child, not you. If you don’t need it, put it in a savings account for the kids college fund.

  5. What’s the point of even being on here if you’re going to doubt unusual stories? A guy cheating isn’t even that crazy.

  6. Your main focus should be the panic attacks. I used to have them and have successfully overcome them once, then they came back, but is now looking like I've overcome them again.

    You may have underlying health issues that cause them. Can you breathe fine? I didn't have much space, along with a huge nasal polyp far back. How is your posture? Bad posture can compress or pinch important nerves that make you always feel off and/or put yourself in a constant easily stressed state. Do you see a psychologist? You could have a lot of built up emotions that are 'stuck' in a way and holding therm in is affecting you.

    You can't put a bandaid over the main problem, and expect things to get better, you have to address what the main concern is.

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